The Daylight

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As it turns out, Axel's taste in music seemed to be quite... old fashioned.

"I didn't know that you were a Beatles fan." I state, gazing out at the ocean as he continued to drive. The open window, much to my satisfaction, blowing my hair around.

I see him glance at me from the corner of my eye, "Guess it just goes to show how much you know about me."

The comment had a certain challenging glint with it, I recognised. At this point, we hadn't mentioned anything about the fundraiser, the dress or about what we said to each other that day at the markets where it all when downhill.

It's like we were just avoiding talking about anything that happened last week.

Shifting in my seat to face him better, I raise my eyebrows, "Well, if we're going to be stuck together for all this time, I don't see anything better to do."

"Alright." He agrees before glancing at the digital clock on the screen of the car, "Well, we have about half an hour until we get to Mystique Bay."

It was the next town along Surf Coast, about an hour and a half away from Pyree Bay.

"Okay, question for a question?" I offer.

"Sounds good to me, but we get a pass each." He replies.

"Seems fair, I'll start." I say, winding up my window, "What's your favourite Beatles song?"

He thinks for a second, "'Hey Jude'."

A small smile tugs on my lips, "Interesting."

"Why is that interesting?" He frowns.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Is that your question?"

He glances at me before looking back to the road, "No."

I smile smugly, "Alright then, shoot."

He thinks for a second, "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

I purse my lips, "Probably Hawaii."

He chuckles, "Like most people in Pyree Bay I'm sure."

"You too?" I ask.

He raises his eyebrows at me, "Is that your question?" He asks, mocking me early.

I give him a glare, "Yes."

"Then yeah, probably Hawaii." He shrugs, "When you were homeschooled, what did you do in your spare time?"

"Usually I painted, we have a good room in my house that gives me a perfect view of the ocean." I glance at him, "Nothing like your house would, but it's good enough. I love painting the sea."

"I might need to see some of these paintings, Miss Nikson." He says.

I just smirk and shake my head, "Unfortunately, they are strictly top secret Mr Brown."

He just grins in response. But I did actually pack some of my painting things, incase I got the opportunity.

"Okay," I say, "What does your mum do, work wise?"

"She's an executive assistant at a top law firm. She works for a pig-headed man who makes her do everything, which is why she sometimes has to go away or work ridiculous hours." He says sourly, it seemed as though he really didn't like her boss.

I frown, "That doesn't sound very fair."

He scoffs, "It's not."

I glance at him warily, "Are you okay?"

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