The Alcohol

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**Picture of Mark (Chace Crawford)**

Even though we got there just in time, the party was already in full swing.

"Mark texted me that he's here, let's go find him." Serene shouts at me, we were only outside and it was loud.

And don't get me started on the house, if you could even call it that.

I didn't realise Carter's family was wealthy, but they obviously were because they lived in the richest suburb of our town, Roosebury Flats, but everyone just called them The Flats. It was on the street that was the highest point of Pyree Bay.

It was a huge, modern design. All white with floor-to-ceiling glass windows and a large span of balcony that had one of the best views of the coast.

I could see the houses from my street if I looked carefully, they were that grandiose that you could see them from a mile away. But I had never been this close to any before.

"I know, it's a beauty hey?" Serene says, obviously noticing my gawking, "But we can't stand here forever, come on."

She drags me into the house, and it was even more gorgeous on the inside, decorated with modern furnishings. The main thing that grabbed my attention was the white, winding staircase that floated to the next level.

"He said he was in the basement." Serene says, taking me to a set of stairs that descended under the house. But this was no stereotypical basement, this was like a sporting room, with a massive flat screen tv with couches strewn around the place, as well as a pool table, foosball and table tennis.

"There he is!" She says excitedly, pulling me over to where Mark was. He was watching the game of pool, beer in hand and laughing with some other guys I didn't recognise.

He waves at me and I wave back, Serene greets him with a passionate kiss and I avert my eyes. I can't hear their conversation, so instead I let my eyes wonder around the room some more.

I feel a slight tugging on my dress and look back to Serene, she leans into me so I can hear, "I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?"

I shake my head, there was no way I was even touching alcohol.

She nods and goes off, leaving me with Mike.

"You look great Evie, my girlfriend's pretty good hey?" He says.

I laugh, "She is."

My eyes subconsciously move to the stairs, and I catch the person I was hoping to avoid the whole night walking down them.

Axel was wearing some washed out jeans and a black t-shirt. It was simple, but he managed to make it look mouth-watering, I couldn't help but stare.

Snap out of it Evie! You're avoiding him remember?

I flush and look to Mark, "I'm going to go find Carter."

He nods, "I think I saw him upstairs."

I smile in a thanks and keep my eyes on Axel, making sure he doesn't see me as I slip past and head upstairs.

I don't know what to do when I get there, the room was crowded with people. I swear almost every teenager in town was here.

Weaving my way through everyone, I keep my eyes out for Carter.

"Hey! I know you." A hand grabs onto my arm. I turn around and see the familiar face.

It takes me a little bit, but then I recognise her as Lena from the dress shop, "Lena right? It's Evie." I shout to her.

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