The Auction

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The necklace was definitely the main event tonight.

Lots of people came up to ask about it. I could hardly answer any of the questions, but Axel, who was by my side the whole time, seemed to know most of the answers.

I hadn't said anything to him about the dress, it was obvious he didn't want me to know that he had bought it for me.

What did it all mean? Was it more than just a nice gesture?

The whole night was very exquisite, an orchestra was playing light music in the background, mainly classical, and the tables set around the area were each featuring a gorgeous crystal ornament, which was also a light.

There was a small section in the middle of the room that looked to be a dance floor, but people seemed to be avoiding it.

The older couple we were talking to move on, and for the first time in the night we have some time to ourselves.

My hand lightly traces my skin near the rim of the necklace, I was too scared to actually touch it.

"How much are you trying to sell it for?" I ask Axel, since no one had mentioned anything about prices.

"We're hoping a million." He replies.

I can't help but let my jaw drop, "Axel, I can't wear this!"

He just grins slightly and puts his hands on my arms in a comforting way, "Don't stress Evie, the auction will be soon. Plus, since you're wearing it more people seem interested."

I glance around and still notice some stares, "Why? There's nothing special about me, I'm just a girl."

He retracts his hands and raises an eyebrow, "A very beautiful girl."

My eyes snap up to meet his and those annoying butterflies fly around in my stomach.

I try to cover my blush by changing the subject, "Uh, where's Kyra?"

He sighs and looks around, "She was supposed to be here, honestly it doesn't surprise me that she isn't."

I couldn't help but feel for him, he had lost his dad and now it was as though he was responsible for her. I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.

A song just finishes, and a new one starts. Axel grins, "Now, I do remember at one certain bonfire, which I was not quite myself I'll add. I did offer you a dance, which didn't end up happening."

I still remember it, "Right?"

He extends a hand to me, "I'm still waiting for that dance Evie."

I glance at the isolated dance floor, "But nobody is dancing."

He shrugs, "So?"

I'm about to protest, but he just gives me a look. It was a challenge, he wanted me to be able to do this, to not worry about what other people thought.

I sigh and slip my hand into his, "Fine."

He smirks and leads me to the dance floor, the music was still classical.

"Do you know how to waltz?" He asks.

I frown, "A little."

"Good. Just follow my lead." He says, placing his hand at the small of my back and joining our other hands together, holding them up. I hesitantly place my hand on his shoulder and he abruptly pulls me closer, causing me to gasp a little.

At the right time in the music, he starts to step backwards and I follow. It had been a while since I had to waltz, but this was fairly simple and I could follow the steps.

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