The Fire

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**Picture of Evie (Lucy Fry)**

I could hear the party before I could see it; it made me nervous and fidgety.

Mum offered to drive me, but that would make me even more anxious. Plus, the fresh, salty air on the walk there could calm me down a little.

I pondered Reegan's advice all afternoon and I decided that I would come, just for a little. Axel wasn't expecting me to show up, but I had to show him wrong.

I could be social, it can't be that hard right?

When I turn the corner a mixture of burning wood, beer, and salt water fills my nose. There are teenagers everywhere; surely this can't just be students from my school.

Maybe it might be a little harder than I think.

My feet hit the sand and I start making my way through the people, keeping an eye out for anyone I know.

Some guy stumbles a little and crashes into me, before I can tumble over someone grabs my arm and holds me up.

"Watch it." The guy holding me sneers to the other one, who's obviously drunk.

The guy shrugs before turning back to his friends.

I look up to the guy who's holding on to me and see Carter with a frown on his face, still looking at the guy.

He is about to approach him again when I clear my throat, "It's okay."

"Yeah well, he's rude."

It made me shocked to hear Carter, or just any guy in particular really, stick up for me like that.

Then again he probably does that for most girls. But my mind does think back to chemistry yesterday.

I take my arm out of his hold politely, "Thanks, for not letting me fall."

His eyes go to mine and he smiles, "Of course."

Be social Evie.

I put my hands into my short pockets and look around, "So this is a high school party?"

He laughs, "In its early stages yeah."

"Hey you made it!" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Serene making her way towards me, hand in hand with Mark.

I give her a small smile, "Yeah."

She gives me a big hug, surprising me a little, "I was hoping you would come, bonfire parties are the best, especially on the beach."

I keep the smile on my face, "It's great."

I was very sure that she had already had a few drinks.

"Well, we're going to get another drink, want one?" Mark asks.

I shake my head, "I'm fine thank you."

"Alright, but you're missing out." Serene winks at me before they head into the crowd of people.

"Are you sure you don't want a drink?" Carter asks me, I forgot he was there for a second.

I purse my lips, "Is there anything non-alcoholic?"

He laughs, "I'll go see."

I look around awkwardly, realising I'm going to be left alone.

"Uh, I'll come." I say and catch up with him.

He just smiles.

We get to some eskies all set out across from the bonfire, not too close of course.

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