The Date

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"Axel this is ridiculous, you really won't tell me anything?" I huff as he drags me down the boardwalk.

It was getting later but the sun wasn't setting yet, I suggested it was a little early for dinner but Axel insisted we go now.

"Hey, I gave you suggestions for what to wear." He replies.

I roll my eyes, "I don't really count 'something comfy' as a very good suggestion."

He glances at me with that little grin of his, "Well you look great."

I can't help the blush on my cheeks, "Oh, thanks."

We arrive in front of a cute little shack which was painted a light yellow and blue, it has many flashing neon signs around it, one of which said 'fish and chips!'.

"'Joe's Fish Shack'?" I read aloud.

Axel looks at me, "Look I know it doesn't look the greatest, but just trust me on this one."

I can't help but smile, "This looks great."

He smiles in relief and we head inside. For it being fairly early for dinner, the place was pretty busy.

"You do like fish and chips right?" He asks.

I laugh, "Of course."

"Good." He smiles. I could tell he was a little nervous, which was weird to see from Axel, but at the same time I couldn't help but think it was really cute.

He orders and we wait about about ten minutes before the guy calls out our order number, Axel collects it and we exit the shop.

"It's pretty small in there so I thought we could eat it on the beach." He says.

I smile, "I like that idea."

We find a nice spot to sit and Axel unwraps the paper that contains the fish and chip goodness. The scent fills my nose instantly and makes me mentally drool.

We dig in and watch the waves, the seagulls becoming a little more curious with our food.

"So you don't mind if Reegan and Rhys tag along do you? I realised that I never really asked." I say, munching on a chip.

He shakes his head, "Not at all, we could use the help. Plus, besides a bit of a rocky start, they're cool guys."

"Yeah they are." I nod in agreement.

I hadn't mentioned anything about Rhys' and my previous conversation with Axel, but I knew that a date probably wasn't the best time to bring up another guy.

We sit in silence as we eat our meal. I will admit, it was a little awkward, not because we had nothing to say, but because this was a date.

Axel and I had spent a lot of time together in under a week, yet this was our first real date. It felt different to the other times we had hung out, only because we were aware this was different.

"So, I assume we're going someplace else after this?" I say, mainly to break the silence.

Axel nods, "Yeah, I think you'll like it."

I eye him suspiciously, "You're not going to tell me again, are you?"

He shakes his head, "Nope."

I playfully shove him, "No fair!"

He holds his ground, "Very fair I say, this is a date, I'm allowed to surprise you."

"What if I guess?" I challenge.

He scoffs, "Trust me, you won't guess."

I cross my arms, "How do you know?"

He laughs, "If you guessed I think I would be so impressed I would just have to marry you."

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