The Connection

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Ever since I knew that Reegan and Rhys were following us, the trip somehow felt different.

It wasn't just us now, Axel and I, on this wild adventure. We were being watched, monitored, like the children Reegan viewed us as.

It kind of annoyed me.

I glance at Axel and see him tapping away on the steering wheel to the car music, he notices me looking and meets my eye, giving me a sly smile.

I roll my eyes and smile back before looking back out of the window. Not only was I feeling annoyed at Reegan, but I was feeling guilty about not telling Axel the guys were hot on our heels.

I knew that down the line this could come back and kick me in the butt, so I had to make a decision, and soon.

"Earth to Evie." I come back to reality from a hand clicking in front of my face.

I snap out of it and look to Axel, who was giving me an amused expression, "Sorry what?"

He smiles and shakes his head, looking back to the road, "I was just asking if everything was okay."

This was it, if I was going to tell him it had to be now, otherwise I knew I would regret it the rest of the time.

"Well actually, there is something on my mind." I say.

He looks back at me with an unreadable expression, "What's wrong?"

I shrug, "Nothing's necessarily wrong, there's just something I should probably tell you."

"Okay." He says warily.

Here goes nothing.

"Well, it's just that, you know my brother Reegan, and his friend Rhys?" I say.

His face goes a little hard as he watches the road, and I notice that his hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter, "What ever you're about to say about Rhys, I know that he's into you, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're into him too. So if that's what it is just don't say anything more, I get it, I'm just not good enough for you."

That takes me aback, I just stare at him with my mouth a little agape.

Before I can interject he continues, "And I understand if you don't want to be here anymore, once we get to Rapture Bay I can buy you a bus ticket back to Pyree and you won't have to worry about anything. I knew inviting you with me would be a stretch."

"Axel stop talking. That's not what I was going to say at all." I finally find my voice.

He glances at me before looking back to the road, "It's not?"

I shake my head, "Definitely not. I was going to say that Reegan and Rhys are here, following us."

It takes him a moment to sink it in, but once he does he slams on the brakes, making me gasp and grip my seatbelt.

He swerves to the side of the road and halts to a stop.

I stare wide-eyed through the windscreen in front of me, catching my breath.

Axel wastes no time and jumps out of the car, slamming his door shut, making me flinch.

I get out too and see him marching away in the direction that the cars are coming.

"Axel!" I call, but he doesn't respond or stop.

I see Reegan's car and he does too. Reegan must notice because he pulls over and both the boys get out of the car.

I speed up my pace to get to them, and especially Axel since he's way ahead.

I see Reegan say something to Axel but I can't hear what it is. Axel looked mad, and I was getting more worried by the second.

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