The Absence

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I hurry to my house, afraid to find out what is happening in there right now.

However, when I get to my driveway, I see a door of the Jeep open and Axel comes out, in all his glory.

But he didn't seem his usual, confident self. No, right now he looked worn, as though stress had eaten it's way through him.

I swear he didn't look like that yesterday when I saw him at school, well, at least not that bad.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stumble over my words, mainly because I don't know what to say, there's so much going through my mind.

He runs a hand through his hair anxiously, "I didn't know who to go to, or what to do. Mum doesn't know yet, but I don't think that-"

I hold my hands out in front of me, I had never seen Axel like this, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, what's going on?"

He takes a deep breath and looks at me, "Kyra's gone Evie, she's run off and I can't find her or her friends anywhere."

I frown, "What? How do you know?"

He sighs, "I went to make sure she was okay after the storm last night, and I went into her room and everything was made, perfect. I looked in her wardrobe and I noticed that her suitcase was gone, as well as lots of clothes. Her bathroom was pretty much empty, and a picture of dad she keeps in her drawer was gone."

It did make sense, but I didn't want to stress him out more, "Are you sure she just didn't go away for a bit? We don't have school for a week, maybe she went somewhere?"

Even I didn't believe that.

"In a storm in the middle of the night? I don't think so." He replies, starting to pace.

"Okay, Axel. Stop, you need to calm down a little, get your head screwed on right. Come inside, okay?" I say gently.

He looks at me and then nods, locking his car.

I lead him inside, Narla greeting me instantly. I give her a quick pat on the head, not having much time for her.

Both of my parents were in the kitchen, my dad drinking coffee and my mum drying the dishes while they listened to the radio.

They look up at my arrival and I give them a small wave, "Hey guys."

I notice they look at Axel and I clear my throat, "Uh, this is Axel. He's a friend from school."

"Well." Mum says, a little flustered, "Evie has never mentioned you before, hi Axel, I'm Lila and this is my husband Marty."

He shakes both my parents hands in greeting, even managing a smile in his state.

"We just need to discuss something, um..." I drift off.

"About the school." Axel speaks up for me, giving them a nod.

Mum nods slowly at me, "Okay, well, just call out if you need anything."

I didn't blame her for acting this way, I had never brought a guy into the house.

I give her a smile and then lead Axel upstairs and into my room. Luckily it was clean, however my bed wasn't made from my little outburst last night.

I quickly go over an neaten it up as he comes in.

"So, we're friends again, are we?" He asks, however he face was unreadable, emotionless.

I take a breath, "I needed them to be comfortable with you."

He just averts his eyes and closes the door, I see him look around the space. It was only about a quarter, if that, the size of his room.

"You have a nice room." He states, glancing at my collection of shells and beachy items I had decorated my it with.

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