The Boys

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**Picture of Axel (Adam Gregory)**

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask Reegan as I come back from my run with Narla.

He was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast mum had obviously cooked.

He motions to the kitchen, "She thinks it's because I like to see you guys, but I really just wanted bacon and eggs."

I laugh a little as I sit down too, "And you don't have any?"

He shoves some scrambled eggs in his mouth, "Exactly."

I grimace at his full mouth, "That's gross."

I get up and start going to the kitchen.

"You're gross." I hear him reply.

I just smile and shake my head.

"Morning mum." I say as I enter.

She looks up from the stove, "Oh morning dear, I didn't see you leave this morning."

I sit at the bench and shrug, "I got up early and went for a run on the beach."

She laughs, "Gee, I'm glad you're in this family or Narla would never get a run."

I smile and look down at Narla since she followed me into the kitchen and she lies down at my feet.

Mum hands me a plate with breakfast and I start to dig in. The phone rings and she picks it up, starting up a conversation and heading into the living room.

Reegan enters with an empty plate and fills up his cup with juice, he grabs another cup and holds it out to me in a question if I want one, I nod in response.

"So, how was the party last night?" He asks, handing me my juice.

I take a sip before I reply, "Terrible. Just like I thought it would be."

Reagan leans against the kitchen bench and gives me a look, "Did you drink?"




"Did you talk to anyone new?"


"Did you dance?"


Although I get a sudden memory of last night when Axel told me to dance with him. 

He raises his eyebrows at me, "Evie, if you're going to have fun at a party, you have to have fun!"

I frown, "That sentence doesn't make sense to me."

He rolls his eyes and turns around to rinse out his now-empty cup, "That's why you're a party pooper, literally."

I scoff, "It was my first one, maybe I'll go to the next one."

"Twenty bucks you don't even make it an hour." He says looking back to me with a grin.

I stare him down, "deal."

"I'm going surfing today, wanna come?"

Before I can reply Mum is back in the room, "You're going surfing?"

She and my dad are always touchy about surfing, but Reegan is an adult now and so he's allowed to make his own decisions, as much as my parents disagree.

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