The Project

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"Alright. Listen up." Mr Menez says, clapping his hands to gain our attention.

It was so close to the end of the day, and everyone had lost concentration by this point anyway. I could feel Carter's stare on me the whole lesson, but I refused to turn around.

He wasn't the only one with his eyes on Axel and I though, whenever we would talk or have any interaction at all, I could feel eyes on us.

I was surprised at how well I was coping with all this. Maybe it was because I had someone like Axel to help me though it.

"So as per usual, there is a take home assignment that you all need to complete." Mr Menez continues.

There's a simultaneous groan throughout the class, I just frown in confusion.

"This year, you'll be doing it in pairs, in fact, your partner will be the person sitting next to you." 

I glance at Axel, who just smirks at me.

Mr Menez puts a pile of papers on the end of his desk, "The assignment is on the acidity of water with different factors added to it. You can make up these factors, just make sure there's at least ten experiments. Everything you need to know is on the sheet, and there's a take-home pack here to test the acidity. It's due this time next week."

There's some protests throughout the class, but Mr Menez puts his hand up to silence everyone, "I don't want to hear anything more about it. Hand it in any later, and there will be detention."

The bell goes off, and the class start dispersing, grabbing their sheets and kits.

I look to Axel, "I don't know what this is."

He chuckles, getting his things together, "That's right, you're a newbie. We just have to do an experiment at home and write a brief report on it."

"Why not just do it at school?" I ask, slinging my bag over my shoulder and standing up.

Axel does the same and we walk to the front, "It's supposed to show independence."

I roll my eyes and grab a sheet, Axel gets the kit. When I walk to go out of the room, Carter steps into my way.

"Evie." He pleads.

"Excuse me." I say, being brave and looking into his eyes.

He just sighs and steps away, I walk past with my head high, letting my confident side come out for once.

Making my way to my locker, I feel Axel come beside me, "How are you holding up?"

I take a deep breath, "I'm going to have to talk to him sometime, just not right now."

He nods at me and I get to my locker, he leans next to it. I notice him glare at a few people, obviously giving us looks.

"So how about I take the stuff to my house, and then we'll figure out a time to do it?" He asks.

I nod at him, "Sounds good. We need to save time to write it up too."

"How about we do the experiment after school on Friday, and then we can write it up on Saturday?" He suggests.

I think about it for a second, "Yeah that sounds good."

I close my locker and turn to him, "Uh, thanks again for everything Axel. I don't think I would've been able to keep it together."

He gives me a nod, "No worries."

I go to turn away, but he stops me, "Evie. Here, give me your phone."

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