The Thunder

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"Genevieve, could you go see if I've left a small box in the van? I think something's missing." Mrs Williams ponders as she studies the stock.

"Of course." I reply, giving a customer her change and then starting to walk up to the carpark.

The markets were surprisingly not as packed as usual, although I had a hunch it was because of the overcast looming above the town. There was a summer storm coming, and today the humidity was extra high as the sky was getting prepared for the inevitable downpour.

However, it also meant that there was a great swell brewing, so lots of surfers were gathered at Reefside, and I assumed, many of the other good surfing beaches too.

I was a little saddened since I knew the waves would be too risky to surf by tonight, so I doubt I would be surfing until the storm had passed.

I get to the van and unlock it, opening the door to see if the box that Mrs Williams was talking about was here.

I find it and grab it, turning around out of the van quickly, and end up colliding with someone which causes the box to drop out of my hands and the little wooden sculptures to fall out.

Luckily it wasn't much of a drop, the sculptures looked fine.

It was only then that I realise the person had an arm around my waist, steadying me from the collision.

I could feel slight sparks from where their hand gripped my hip, and I instantly felt the calming feeling I had around one person in particular.

I knew it was Axel, I didn't need to look up to know. But I didn't want to look up, I left the fundraiser on bad terms with him.

So instead, I slip out of his arm and start picking up the ornaments.

He moves to help me but I speak up, "It's okay, I've got it."

"You don't have to be so stubborn Evie." He says quietly.

I look up at him, his face twisted in what seemed to come across as concern. I don't know what to say or feel, so I just go back to picking up the last few things and putting them into the box.

I get up and close the door of the van, very aware of Axel watching me as I do so.

Honestly, my emotions had been confusing me so much over the past few days, as well as putting up with the nightmares, that I was mentally drained.

Maybe some time away from Axel was exactly what I needed.

I start to walk back to the markets, but he calls out to me, "Evie, wait."

I stop, stilling facing away from him. Instead, I look down at the box in my hand, taking a deep breath.

"I don't know what happened last night. The necklace, the dress, it all just-"

"I think I just need a break from you Axel, some space." I interrupt him.

Truthfully, I had thought a little about last night. The fundraiser was nothing like I had ever seen before, a side to this town that I never knew existed.

"What?" He asks.

I slowly turn around, giving him an apologetic look, "We're just from two different worlds Axel. The fundraiser, it was amazing to see so much support, but it was nothing that I'm used to."

He scoffs, "That shouldn't stop us from being friends Evie."

Friends. The word squeezed my heart, it was another issue. I couldn't risk my heart to a guy like Axel, I knew I would only get hurt.

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