The Nightmare

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The wind was pounding hard against me as I make my way to the beach, it was only about a ten minute walk, and at least it would be easy on the way back with the wind behind me then.

The streets were almost deserted, it was a strange contrast from just days before, when the town was packed and bustling from the excitement of the competition. Now it seemed everyone had just gathered for a cyclone.

I get to the start of the beach, the water was choppy and there were white caps everywhere. Out in the distance massive waves rolled over, their crash could be heard all the way from the shore. Although any surfer would love to experience surfing on that, it would be a death wish. They weren't clean waves, they collapsed in a cloud of white water.

As I watch the hurling waves, my mind wanders, mainly to Axel.

I had heard nothing, nothing at all from him. Not that I had tried to reach out either, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. Reegan said I need to give it time, so time it was. He would come back when he was ready, and if he never did, then so be it.

"If you want something, you need to fight for it."

Reegan's words come back into my head, repeating over and over.

I needed to talk to him, talk it out. I told him we would get Kyra back together, and part of me still believed that we could. 

I find myself walking in the direction of The Seaboard, the pearly white tower only a short walk away.

I walk past the main town jetty, a few boats tied to it, including the sea rescue vessel. That wasn't surprising, I'm sure they were on call incase there were any sudden emergencies out at sea.

A few other people were around here and there now, since I was walking down the main street of town, right along the beach. But they were just running through the rain from their cars into shops that were still open or their beachside apartments, or vice versa.

As I get closer to The Seaboard, I notice someone on the beach. It wasn't hard to spot them, since they were the only one. Although that wasn't the main reason that I notice them, it was because they were in a wetsuit, surfboard tucked under their arm, looking out to the treacherous ocean.

They're weren't going out were they?

Surely someone wouldn't be so stupid.

I pick up my pace as I see them jog towards the water, and that's when I notice it.

The auburn curls.

It was Kyra.

My eyes widen a little and I burst into a run, my hood blowing back as I try to get to her. She couldn't go out with it like this, it would take one wave and she would be under for god knows how long.

But by the time my feet hit the sand she was paddling away, pushing her arms hard against the smaller waves hitting the beach.

My heartbeat quickens, I look around frantically, looking for anyone or anything that could help. I had to do something, I couldn't let her do this.

Then I spot it, the lifeguard tower. I sprint to it, there wasn't anyone there but there was one of their rescue boards, leaning against it. I felt like it was my lucky day as I grab it, leaving no time to process what I was doing.

I drag it out, away from the tower. It was fatter and heavier than a normal surfboard, which I wasn't used to, but I had no time to be picky now, it couldn't be that much harder. Surely.

Using my head a little, I reach into my pocket and having no time, I press Axel's name. It rings, one time, two times, three times.

"Pick up, pick up." I mumble looking to the water and seeing Kyra slowly making her way out.

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