The Announcement

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The slight rocking that I was feeling was keeping me content, yet the sunlight was seeping through my eyelids and making me come to.

I stir and slowly open my eyes, squinting from the bright sunlight. Once they adjust, I am met with Axel's gorgeous face, his defined biceps shifting as he rows the boat.

Wincing as I sit up, I rub my lower back to try and soothe the soreness. Although I slept soundly, a rowboat wasn't the softest on my back.

"Morning Sunshine." Axel smirks as he watches me.

I yawn before I speak, a small smile reaching my lips, "Hey. What's the time?"

"Almost seven, I wasn't planning on being out there overnight but when you fell asleep I suddenly drifted off too." He says, grinning.

I sit up all the way and look around, a few motorised boats were heading out, the water was so still that it seemed like a perfect day for being out on the water.

The jetty was in sight and getting closer, and as though my stomach was calling out to land and the food that it knew it contained, it let out a loud grumble.

I blush as Axel lets out a laugh, "Don't worry, we'll grab something to eat on the way back to the motel."

At the mention of the motel a sudden realisation hits me and I groan, slapping my hand to my forehead.

"Well we don't have to if you're that annoyed about it." Axel says with a smirk.

I give him an unimpressed looks before sighing, "Reegan is probably flipping out. I told him we would be back last night."

Axel shrugs, "We'll deal with him, don't worry."

I raise my eyebrows at him, "You of all people, being a big brother yourself, should understand his point of view. Technically that's why we're out here in the first place."

A solemn look crosses his face, and I internally panic for a moment that I've hit a nerve.

"Yeah, and honestly it's making me question if it's even worth it, if I've done the right thing."

I purse my lips, "Don't be hard on yourself. You know her the best out of everyone, you've grown up with her. Sure she's on the wrong path, but isn't that why you decided to do it this way in the first place? Because you know her."

We get to the jetty and there's a pause while we tie the rowboat to it.

"I guess you're right. I just have no idea what I'm going to do when I get there and find her." He says, stepping out and holding out a hand to me.

I take it and step up onto the jetty, "We'll figure that out when the time comes hey."

He gives me a small smile and I return it, I feel my phone buzzing in my bag and I grab it out.

"It's Reegan." I say to Axel, who nods.

I press accept and we start walking down the jetty.

"Hey, before you say anything, we're fine and heading back to the motel now." I say straight away.

He sighs on the other end, "Gee you know how to make me worry. A text would've been nice."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, just remember next time hey?"

Was he actually starting to trust me? To trust Axel?

"Of course."

"Well, Rhys and I found out some news this morning. Turns out there's going to be a surfing competition in Dreamer Bay." He states.

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