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We need to have this conversation

And we never see each other in person


That is what this is about

Even though you’ll probably never see this

But do you realize

That we really aren’t friends anymore?

We don’t hangout

We don’t text

We don’t message

We hardly stop with a “hello” in the halls

And yet we call each other best friends

Because what else is there to say?

I know you’ve moved on

And I’m trying to find my other half

But we never made it official

We’re still in that awkward stage

That “I used to be your friend,

but now I don’t really know what we are now,”


So what now?

I can’t remember the last time we really talked

The last time it was just you and me

Was to talk about your problem

For a grand total of about 10 minutes

You don’t know what’s going on in my life at all

And I don’t think I know about yours

So what is the next step?

Or will we forever be stranded here

In the awkward stage?

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