Along Came a Spider

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Unexplained passion

A warm desire

Fuzzy flutters

Heaving sighs

A desperate one

And a fleeting soul

Put together

To create stories untold

And untold they remain

For the two never met

And fiercely their feelings

Flew wild, unkempt

This problem grew

In an arachnid sort of way

Eight ways could they turn

‘Til they wound up in a new coat of grime

The spider webs grew

In hazy cobs

Torturous and sticky

Forming thick clods

In their heads the spiders weaved

Day in and day out

And yet their paths would not cross

Their stories would not collide

Then, all at once

It seemed the spiders were sleeping

It was their chance

Their chance to dash

And the desperate one

Broke free of her bindings

Her hands scratched the pavement

As she struggled to hold on to dear ground

But the fleeting spirit had other plans

Better places to be

Better people to see

And remained in his slowly aging web

The despairing reached out

Pleading, pleading

Yet unheard by the one

Whom she loved

And as she sat down in regress

Closing dying eyes

Along came a spider

And sat down beside her

Making a home in her head

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