The Race

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I’ve been working so hard

So hard to get there

When I go to show you the progress I’ve made

You look up briefly

Then say I should go take a break

Work more later

“But aren’t I so close?” I ask, desperate to please.

You frown.

“Not really.  You’ve got a long way to go.”

You go back to what you were doing

I walk away sullenly

Closing myself behind the door

To hide the tears that so want to leak out

What will please you?

What can I do to arouse some praise?

I’ve gone so far in this race

Yet every hurdle I jump

Higher and higher

Is never enough to please you

To so much as revoke a turn of the head

I just want your approval

Am I doing this right?

Please tell me

And when I do

Please tell me

Just one little compliment


One little bit of admiration

We are both running races

I get that

But they are both very different

I realize your challenges

Your hurdles

Some are higher than mine

But not all of them

So just remember that

I’m going through the struggle as well

I respect the trouble you’re going through

So can you respect what I’m going through?

I just want you to be proud of me

I want to show you what I can do

How much longer can I handle these scoffs?

This breaking of my spirit?

I can’t even see the end of the race

There’s no way to stop early

But there’s a way not to go on

Don’t make me

I don’t care about losing

I just care about finishing

And you’re just another hurdle in my way


The music video on the side I just thought sort of went with what I'm trying to (sort of ish) say in this poem.  Taylor Swift's pretty cool, too.  :)

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