Chapter 24

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"Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you."

-Arnold Palmer


"There you go Jessica! You got it!" yelled an excited coach June. For the past fifteen minutes I've been trying to work on getting my approach right to hit the ball across or line and I finally got it. I got it! 

"Finally." muttered Kaelee. She shoulder checked me as I got back in line. Seriously? Are we in middle school?

"Just ignore her." Breanna said. Breanna was the only girl I seemed to get along with out of our team. 

I sighed, "It's hard when every turn she says something rude or acts very childish."

"I know, but sooner or later she will get in trouble for it. Sweet, sweet, karma will be on our side." she said with a smile before I went in for my attack. Little did I know that Kaelee was still shagging her ball and my hit, hit her smack in the face.

She shrieked, "You did that on purpose you bitch!" 

"Did not! I didn't realize you were there!" I said backing myself up. I honestly didn't know that she was there, but sure did I enjoy that it hit her in the face. 

"You just happened to be there, it was a good shot though." smiled Breanna and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Just as Kaelee was about to step up closer to me, coach yelled, "What is going on here!?"

"She hit me on purpose!" yelled Kaelee.

"Did not! I was just hitting across again and didn't realize that she was there and it hit her. I didn't mean to." I tried to explain.

"Everyone to the lines!" she yelled angry.

"What?" asked Tawny. 

"You heard me, I want you girls at the end line, now!"

About twently lines later, sweat pouring down my face, and my body tired, we were done with practice. After we all went to the end lines, coach made us run the entire practice. I still blame Kaelee for us running, she's the one that took the whole situation out of proportion.

Everyone but Breanna believed everything Kaelee said, making them all hate me, so now I had no one on the team liking me but one. 

"She's the bitch Jess, just ignore her. She just wants attention, so she'll do anything to get it. Plus your hit was pretty awesome. If you saw her face when the ball hit her, you would have been laughing as hard as I was." she laughed making me laugh. 

"It did hit her pretty hard, didn't it?" I laughed along with her. 

"Okay! Good job ladies! Now be back here by eleven for more practice." just as she said that everyone groaned. "Jessica, may I speak with you?" and with that, Kaelee turned around and smirked evily back at me. Bitch.

"Yes coach?" I asked as Breanna started to walk slowly to where our things were located at. She wanted to hear what she was going to tell me as well as waiting for me. 

"I know you didn't hit her on purpose." she started. She didn't even seem mad at all. "I know how Kaelee is, so I didn't want her to blow up completely. But you guys are a team, so you guys need to find a way to get along with each other."

"Yes coach." I responded quickly. 

"Great. Now go have your break. Oh and good job on your hits, they're getting really good." she smiled big at me, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks coach!" I excitedly said as I made my way over to Breanna, who already took off her knee pads and put on her sandles.

"So what'd she say?" she quizzically asked.

"She said that I didn't do it on purpose and that she knew how Kaelee was so she didn't want to make it worse, and that we have to somehow act like a team sometime."

"That's never gonna happen." she mumbled. 

"I know right?" I nudged her as we got up and left the gym. "Now where to?" I asked.

"Well I know I'm dying for some frozen yogurt at the snack shack."

"Soudns good to me." I smiled back hooking my arm with hers. 


So how was that??? I know it was a short chapter, but I wanted to update something before you all get mad at me. And I'm SOOOOOO SORRY for not updating sooner. 

I get a HUGE writers block ALL THE TIME and I feel like what I write, you wont like it. 

So if you could please, write in some suggestions??? 

Now that the story is starting to get into full swing, there will be more volleyball action COMING SOON!!

Sorry again for the late update!! But there you have it! I'll try to update the next chapter sooner!






ps. username used to be NeaJoy95 if you are confused at all. 


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