Chapter 52

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Life is simple:






"You were amazing son!" my dad said as he clasped me on the back.

"Thanks dad." I smiled. Me and him have never been really close. I guess you could say it was because I was always getting in trouble and being grounded to actually bond with him. But now that I've been here playing, my attitude has changed and I'm a different person now. 

"Corey that was great! I never knew you were this good in volleyball." my mom exclaimed. 

"Thanks mom." I rolled my eyes at her theatrics. 

"Good job bro, you won." Jessica said approaching me with Noah at her side. 

"Good game Corey." Noah said. "You played great."

"You too Noah. Who knew you were a badass player." I smirked at him. 

Even though I was completely rude to him at the beginning of camp. Well rude to basically everyone here, I realized how good of a guy he is for Jessica. He wasn't those rude jocks, he was really genuine and by looking at his appearance I know he is probably really smart. 

"Well thanks." he smiled. 

"Good job sweetie." mom said to him.

"Thank you Molly." he said addressing my mom. (A/N: let me know if I previously gave Jess and Corey's parents names. I can't remember if I did or not. Otherwise it is Molly and Aaron)

"No problem." she said back. 

"I'll talk to you in a bit, going to see my mom and Mark before they leave." he said. 

"Okay." Jess said before giving him a quick kiss which you could tell he was embarrassed while being in front of mom and dad. I just chuckled. 

"I don't like it when you're with him." dad grumbled out.

"You don't like any guy with Jess." I confessed. 

"Well she's my babygirl." 

"Daaaad. I'm seventeen years old. I'm not a baby, and I can have a boyfriend all I want."

"We will be seeing you guys Sunday to pick you up and head on the road." my mother said taking us out of the trance my dad was in, who was currently sulking. 

"Okay mom." Jess said giving her a hug.

"Bye guys." I said giving them quick hugs.

"I'm going to be hanging with Noah, so if you need me just text." Jess said before running off into the direction where he had gone five minutes ago. 

And then there was one. I let out a sigh before walking to the shack. 

After getting some pizza and a gaterade, I notice that girl I kissed early on in the camp. I think her name was Kaelee who was sitting by herself. 

I walked towards her, "Is this seat taken?" I asked taking her out of her thoughts. 

"No." she mumbled out.

"Kaelee right?" I asked taking a bite of the greasy pepperoni pizza I had in my hands. 

"Yeah. You're the guy I made out with right?" she then smirked. 

"Yeah, that was me." I smirked back. 

"I must say, you were pretty good. But don't let that get to your big head." she smiled genuinely this time.

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