Chapter 7

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"We live in our desires rather than in our achievements." 

-George Moore


So Claire and Dani couldn't come with me which was a bummer but that wasn't going to stop me from going. I was already packed and ready to go. Now I was only waiting for my parents to take me to the train station.

I lived in Colorado and my parents worked in the summer so they already paid my train ticket so I was going to be alone for a while. Then I would have to call for a taxi to come get me and drop me off at the camp. I was beyond excited if you tell me.

"Okay goodbye sweetie." my mother said kissing my cheek.

"Bye mom."

"Now you know that you will call us every stop and let us know when you reach the camp." my dad said.

"Yes father, now I'm going to be late for my train." I told them.

"Okay. Love you Dylan." he said kissing my cheek.

"Love you too dad." I hugged him one last time before hugging mom and I was off.

I walked inside the train and sat in my seat. I could see them smiling looking at me through the window. I was pretty close to both my parents so I knew I was going to miss them.

The train started moving and I waved goodbye at my parents before I couldn't see them any more. Well summer of 2012, let's get started.


"Thanks." I told the cab driver as I gave him the respected amount for driving me to the camp. I grabbed my suitcase and some bags and walked to a small building where there were people lining up.

Looking up at a sign that was above the building it said, 'REGISTRATION'. So at least I knew where I was going.

As I walked in line and at least there were only five people ahead of me instead, glad I didn't have to wait in a huge line.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I accidentally ran into someone dropping my volleyball.

"No, it's my bad." a deep voice said handing me the ball. " So Dylan." he said looking directly at my eyes.

"What?" how did he know my name?

"It says on your ball." he said smiling, showing me.

"Right. Thanks." I blushed embarrassed.

"You know there will be plenty of volleyballs here." he told me.

"I know, just me and my ball are never separated. Practically conjoined at the hip." I laughed as he laughed with me. He was actually cute.

"Well I'll see you around Dylan." he smiled and then left. He didn't even tell me his name.

I turned back to look at his retreating body and smiled. He had that shaggy golden brown hair, his eyes were between a dark green and a light brown, oh and don't get me started about his smile. His smile was gorgeous like no other.

Wait a minute. Stop it Dylan. You are here to focus on volleyball and not boys. That was the whole purpose of coming here. To get that team captain spot and to get a killer scholarship.

"Next!" I heard from in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Dylan Wilson." I told the nice young girl at the table that was in front of me.

"Well here we are Dylan. Looks like you are in the Lincoln dorm room, and your number is 203. When you are ready to try out, put this number and attach it to the back of your shirt." she told me.

"Great thanks. So if I go out these doors, where would Lincoln be located?" I asked.

"You will just go straight down the path and it is the building that has a huge fountain in front of it. Your room will be on the second level."

"Thank you so much." I told her. She gave me a sweet smile and I wheeled my suitcases and bags as I walked into the dorm building.

I could see other girls walking around together and laughing or doing the same thing as me, trying to find my room.

Using the elevator, I finally made it to room 203. None of my roommates had come yet, so I got to pick any bed I wanted. Once you open the door to the dorm room you are looking straight at the long counter with two sinks and the mirror that was running along the wall in front of the counter. I look to my right and there is a twin sized bed with a little desk, cabinets above the bed and a closet. If I look over to the left of the closet was another bed with the same desk and cabinets. Then looking from the left once you enter the door was the exact same thing.

Well If I was on the left side, it was closer to the bathroom, yet on the right side was closer to the door.

I did a little eenie-meenie-miney-moe thing and I ended up with the left side, so I chose the bed that was against the wall near the window that was faced to the back of the academy.

Quickly I changed my clothes, put my gear on and walked out of my room making my way to the gym which again, I had no idea where it was.

After looking around in a circle I could hear my name being called. Who knew my name here at this camp?

"You lost?" I turned around and saw that same guy that I was talking to.

"Yeah. I can't exactly find the gym." I laughed.

"I can see that. I'll show you, I'm heading that way anyways." he told me carrying his volleyball.

"And I thought you said that there was going to be enough volleyballs." I said repeating what he told me earlier.

"And I thought you said that you and your volleyball are attached at the hip."

"Touche." I smiled.

"Well here we are." he said holding the door for me.

"Thanks," I said and walked inside as cold air greeted me sending shivers down my arms and legs.

"Once you warm up, you won't feel cold anymore." he said, noticing my goosebumps.

I laughed, "Well that's great." I smiled at him.

After that we had to separate on different courts. Boys on one side and girls on the other. I kind of missed his presence next to me, but I couldn't think about him. I had to focus here. I wanted to be on the highest and best team here. I knew I could, I just had to focus and put all I have into this.

Come on Dylan, you got this. I told myself as I grabbed a volleyball from the ball cart. I was actually the fifth girl on the court. The other girls were paired up which left me the lonely duck. I started practicing against a wall until a girl came up to me.

She seemed a little too old to be a player here, maybe she's a coach or something.

"Hey, I'm Lilly." she introduced herself.


"It's nice to meet you. I'm one of the coaches here, do you want to warm up?" she asked me.

"Sure." I smiled as we walked over to an empty space to warm up.

It seemed as if it's been forever since I've played volleyball when it's been only a few days. Well for the first day of camp so far it was going good. 


Oooooohhh.. Dylan and mystery guy sitting in a tree playing V-O-L-L-E-Y-B-A-L-L on the court. Ha! See what I just did there? lol 

So theres' that cute mystery who is he??

Then Lilly came into the picture...why?

Keep reading to find out!

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EDITED: August 9, 2020


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