Chapter 49

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"It's hard to beat a someone who Never Gives Up." 

-Babe Ruth


Our team was getting ready to head to the court for our next game when I was getting nervous. We were already nearing the end of the tournament and this next game will either put us in second or third place. 

Unfortunately we were just a few points below one of the other girl teams from camp here. One of my roommates Dylan, her team was above us. 

I was upset that we weren't going to win the trophy, but at least one of the other teams here had more of a chance to. 

"You'll do good Jess, I know so." said Noah from beside  me breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Thanks Noah. Means a lot. Just bummed that we aren't going to win the trophy."

"You could get second place, and even though it's not a trophy, you've totally kicked ass today." he smiled giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

"You are rocking it out there sweetheart." voiced Gina, Noah's mom. 

"Thanks Gina, it means a lot." I smiled at her giving her a hug. "Do you play right now?" I turned to Noah.  

"No, we have a break."

"So you both will watch me?" even though I just met Noah's mom not too long ago, she and I have hit it off and I really love her like she's a second mom to me. 

"Of course! Wouldn't miss it." said Gina. 

"Jess! Get your ass over here!" yelled Breanna from the court.

"Well I gotta go warm up, see you guys later." 

"Bye sweetie!" Gina said as she made her way back to the bleachers. 

"Good luck Jess, even though you don't really need it because I know you'll beat this team." Noah smiled. 

"Always count on you to make my nerves go away."

"That's what I'm here for." he chuckled as his lips pressed against mine real quick before I felt a hand on my arm. 

"Alright, lets go Juliet." said Bre.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, no need to rip my arm off." 

"How else was I supposed to get your lips off of that boy." she smirked. 

"Shut up and pepper with me." I grumbled as we found some room on the court to warm up. 

I didn't think it was going to be this hard to beat the other team. Yes, it was to see who got second and third place, but still. 

The score was currently 19-19 and you could tell both of our teams were tired and exhausted. The entire game basically consisted of it volleying back and forth constantly. 

I was pretty surprised though, I don't think I've ever been on a team before that had volleyed that long. 

It was our serve, Kaelee was at the baseline. We only need six more points. 

"You got this Kae!" I yelled trying to catch my own breath. 

Kaelee served it over the net with flying colors, sending it to their libero. She had passed it to the setter, who set it to their outside. Laurel and I both jumped up at the net to block the ball, just in time for it to hit our hands and back on their side. 

They didn't think we were going to block it so it hit right on the ground. Yes! Point for us. 


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