Chapter 32

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"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed."

-Napoleon Hill


It was only ten minutes into the movie when Noah decided to grab my hand and lead me out of the lounge. "What are we doing?" I asked. 

I just thought we could escape the wrath of those two lovers and do something else." he smiled at me. 

"Oh. Sounds good." I smiled back at him. 

I didn't know where we were going and it looked like Noah didn't know either but we just kept on walking. It was silent for the five minutes we were walking before we stumbled across a bench by a little fountain that was on campus. 

"So Jess, tell me something about you that no one else knows about you." he smiled at me as we sat down. 

"Not many people know I can say the alphabet backwards." I admitted. 

"What?" he looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Yeah." I laughed. "When I was in middle school I thought it woud be so cool to know the abc's backwards so I practiced and I can actually say it. I felt like if I told anyone, they'd think I'm weird." 

"Well I don't think you're weird. Maybe a little crazy, but that's very interesting."

"What about you?" I asked him. 

"I can read a 600 page book in less than a day." 


"Yeah, I know it's so nerdy, but I love to read, and I was so into the book that I forgot to eat or go to the bathroom. I literally read the entire thing in a day." he smiled embarrassed. 

"That's pretty incredible. I also love to read, but I don't think I could read 600 pages in a day. I did read the Divergent book in two days(A/N: I actually read Divergent in two days, it was that good!)." 

"That's still a big book." he smiled at me. 

"So tell me about your mom. I remember you said that you both are like best friends, I'm sure you miss her a lot." I actually wanted to know more about him. I wish I could be really close to my mom or even my dad. 

"I don't know what to really say. Uhm...Well I truly don't remember what my dad was like. I can kind of remember what he looks like. But, growing up with just my mom, the older I got, we both depended on each other. After I fully understand what really happened, I was like a rock for my mom, I was her strength." he smiled when he said that. 

"And then I got into middle school which was rough for me. I became that nerd everyone always picked on. At first I would come home crying and then I just spilled my guts to my mom and that moment after we became really close. 

"Actually when I got my letter of being accepted to camp here, she was going on her first date since my dad left. She didn't even tell me! I had to figure out on my own." he laughed at that as if he can just picture it happening in front of him. "I'm so happy for her. She deserves to be happy for once." he then looked at me and I could tell he was very vulnerable at this moment so the only thing that popped into my head was to hug him, so I did just that. 

"Well I think, those bullies are idiots for treating you the way they did. You know what they say, the nerds being the bullies bosses." I laughed. "And as for being there for your mom, I think that's truly incredible. I'm sure she appreciates you being there for you. Plus, I'm sure she's really happy with whoever this mystery guy is." I smiled. 

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