Chapter 43

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"There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs."



"Wakey, wakey, eggs an bakey!" I yelled in Jess's ear.

"Leave me alone." she muttered covering her ears.

"We have to get up for practice my dear." I told her.

She finally got up, "But I don't want to."

"Hey, I got less sleep than you, and I'm not complaining about it." I told her, as a smile made it's way on my face. I instantly thought about Keith.

"That's because even though you were doing who knows what with your boyfriend, doesn't mean you have to be all happy and positive like." she joked.

"You get enough of that too missy." I stuck my tongue at her which she did back. 

Arriving at the gym I found the rest of my teammates and joined them on the gym floor. 

"Hey guys." I smiled at them. 

"Hey yourself." smiled Michaela. 

"Guys she's glowing!" exclaimed Makenna. 

"What? Am not!" I blushed. 

"What happened between you and lover boy?" winked Taylor.


"Oh wait, I don't want to know." Taylor said again. 

I couldn't help but smile even though they were teasing me. I just love my team. Couldn't have been with anyone better.

Turning to my left I then see Keith sitting by some of his teammates. I wonder where Corey and Noah were. I smiled at him which he smiled back with his adorable smile. That's when I felt like someone was watching me, when I turned up front where some of the coaches were, I see him, Keith's dad just staring at me with a blank look. 

I turned back to my teammates with a frown. I just don't understand why he doesn't like me. Is there something wrong with me?

"Guys is there something wrong with me?" I questioned with a sad face. 

"What? No. Why would you say that?" questioned Michaela. 

"Keith's dad just gave me this hatred glare. I don't get why he hates me. I'm not a bad person." 

"Hey, there must be something wrong with him if he doesn't like you. You said so yourself that his whole family loves you. There's nothing wrong with you Dylan. You're amazing, and clearly Keith sees that." said Michaela. 

"Yeah." everyone else agreed. 


"Glad you could all make it," started the director as Noah and Corey slipped in the gym. "As I was saying, I know you guys had a few days of playing hard and relaxing, it's time to work hard some more. The camp is almost over and I'd like for you guys to get  most of this camp.

"So! Once I am done giving directions you will go with your team and resume your practices. Now we are doing something a little different here, as it is the first year that both girls and boys are at the camp. I am close friends with a guy who directs another volleyball camp which is also coed, and in a few days our teams will play against their teams and the camp with the most points will win the camp trophy. 

"So play hard, don't give up, and kick some ass!" with that everyone started laughing. He blew his whistle and everyone rushed to where their coach was located at.

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