Chapter 36

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"To be a better volleyball player than you've ever been, you have to do something you've never done."

-Felicity Luckey


"Daddy!" I screamed once I saw him get out of the limo that was parked on the curb in the parking lot. 

"Hey princess." he smiled hugging me. 

"Honey, can you give me a hand?" said some females voice coming from the limo. Who the hell is that? 

"Oh sorry sweetheart." dad said as he helped the lady get out. Well I should say girl, she looked like she could be my older sister! 

"Dad, who's this?" I asked pointing at this gold digger of a woman. 

"Oh right! Princess this is Meredith, my fiance. Sweetie, this is my Kaelee that I've been telling you about." he smiled at her. Ugh, gross. 

"I've heard so many great things about you sweetheart!" she said giving me a hug. I just kept my arms at my side not hugging her back. 

"You are not, and will never be my mother." I said sternly. 

"Kaelee!" dad scoulded at me. 

"No, it's okay Richie." she then looked at me. "Of course I will never be your mom, I can never take her place. But know that you can come to me whenever you need someone to talk to." 

"Whatever." I said turning around as I saw some of my teammates walking towards the gym. "Well it looks like I may be playing so lets just head to the gym."

I just can't believe my father! How could he replace mom?  I guess I never thought that he would want to get married after mom died. Yeah, dad's been sleeping around a lot and I would find mystery women in the house but didn't think much of it. But Meredith? That's something new! Something I never thought dad would ever persue more than just a fling! 

I stomped over to my team and went straight to where Tawny was standing.

"Oh hey Kaelee, have you seen your dad yet?" she asked grabbing a volleyball. 

"Yes! And he brought a thing with him! And that's not the worst part! They're engaged!"

"What?!" she exclaimed. 

"Right! I can't believe he would do that to mom. And she could even be my older sister that's how young she is! Can't dad see that she's only going for his money? That's what every other girl does anyway, why is "Meredith" so special?" when I said her name I said it with disgust. 

"I can't believe your dad. Though, it's been like seven years Kae, maybe he's ready to have a wife again." what? I can't believe she's actually saying that. 

"Are you serious right now? Did you really just say that?" now I was furious. Regardless it's been seven years, my dad is just acting on lust not love! 

Mom died when I was ten years old. It was cancer that took her away from me. She was diagnosed when I was seven, and was able to fight the great fight for three years strong, but when she got sick again, it got worse instead of getting better. 

It was terrible though, mostly for my dad than anything. They were so in love anyone and their dog could see it. Even for a little kid, I could see the love on both their faces when they were together. But after she had died, he was majorly depressed, started drinking and for awhile he hired a nanny to watch me as he drowned his sorrows with boose and his work. 

Until I was old enough to be at the house by myself he had let Maria go. Maria had become my best friend, even almost my second mother while I had both of mine missing. But once dad had fired her, I never got to see her again even when she promised she'd call and visit. 

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