Chapter 40

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"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." 

-John Wooden


Waking up this morning was a complete bitch. After the tournament, having a lot of free time with mom and dad, I forgot how painful it was to wake up early to go play volleyball. Our team had gotten second place in the boys bracket and even though we did really well, coach is making the whole team go to the early practice. 

"Dude. Noah, wake up." I nudged Noah. 

After the whole thing about realizing how much of an ass I was to him, well to everyone, I decided I can't be rude forever. 

"What?" he finally groaned back. 

"We have to go to practice. Better hurry and get ready, we have ten minutes before we have to be there."

With that he jumped up from bed. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" 

"Dude, I tried but you wouldn't wake up! You kept on saying Jessica's name in your sleep, which I should kill you for, but since my sister likes you I'm being lineint." 

After Noah blushed a little he rushed to get ready, then the two of us made our way towards the gym. Despite having to get up at the crack of dawn, I was excited to play some volleyball again.

Never in my life have I been this excited for something. Well besides girls, but I'm a teenage hormonal guy, what else am I supposed to be happy about?

"Glad you could all make it," started the director as Noah and I slipped in the gym. Hey, he should be glad we actually made it here than sleeping in. "As I was saying, I know you guys had a few days of playing hard and relaxing, it's time to work hard some more. The camp is almost over and I'd like for you guys to get the most out of this camp.

"So! Once I am done giving directions you will go with your team and resume your practices. Now we are doing something a little different here, as it is the first year that both girls and boys are at the camp. I am close friends with a guy who directs another volleyball camp which is also coed, and in a few days our teams will play against their teams and the camp with the most points will win the camp trophy.

"So play hard, don't give up, and lets kick some ass!" with that everyone started laughing. He blew his whistle and everyone rushed to where their coach was located at.

"Alright boys, you heard him, we have to practice hard to get that trophy. Which means you get to start on the line." Coach Joseph smirked as he blew his whistle while all of us grimaced. 

"This is going to be the death of me." I muttered. 

"Got that right." said Noah from beside me.

"I can't go any longer!" wheezed Noah after I had passed him. We have been running suicides for about the entire practice. I'm pretty sure we are all going to die after this practice. 

"Come on dude, you can do it." I told him, even if I felt like I could collapse any second. 

"You got this Noah." voiced Keith as he came up beside Noah on his other side. 

"Guys I really can't." when he said that, I got a better look at his face and he truly looked like he was about to pass out. 

"Hey now, you're going to be okay, just breathe." I told him putting my arm around his neck. Just then Keith did the same and the three of us were slowly making our way to the line.

"We got this guys!" encouraged Alex as he came to my left side and put his arm around me as we soon made a line of the four of us slowly jogging. 

"Keep it up guys!" yelled Levy as he joined on Keith's side. 

After a few minutes soon it was the six of us guys running together to finish the lines as a team.

"Alright!" yelled coach. "I am proud of you guys. You became more of a team. You guys did great! You can go relax till the evening before dinner. We will actually do some drills."

With that we all sighed with relief and our line of the team started to disintegrate. 

"You alright man?" I asked Noah as some of the color in his cheek started to come back. 

"Yeah, uhm." his eyes were closed as if the question I had asked was really hard.

"Noah!" yelled Jess as she made her way towards us. "Noah, you okay?" 

"Yeah, coach made us run all practice and it looked like he was going to pass out five minutes before practice ended. We should probably get some food in him." I told her.

"Come on Noah." she whispered taking his other side as we both walked him out of the gym and into the shack.

Alright, I know you guys all want to kill me for delaying uploading the next chapter, but I've been busy with school, work, I tutor at an elementary school and above all, Procrastination. HA! Sorry there wasn't much volleyball in this chapter, but hey, I wrote a new one for you. 

So hope you enjoy this and I'll start writing on the next one!! 

You know what to do! 


Love you all my beatuiful readers!!(: 

<3 Lost Finding Myself

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