Chapter 37

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1. An offensive player in volleyball who attacks the ball in order to score a point.

2. One who leads by example; trusted in high pressure situations. See 'COURAGE'. 

3. A person who embodies the character traits of one who is brave, agressive and confident. 


I just left the dorm building when I see my parents looking lost and my mom was on her phone, probably trying to call me; which my cell phone was in my room on silent. 

"Hey mom! Dad!" I yelled getting their attention while  they both looked up and smiles were on their faces. 

"Hey sweetheart." dad said. 

"Hey daddy." I gave him a big hug. 

"Just tried calling you." mom said. 

"Yeah, I saw. My phones in my room on silent."

"Good. That's the way it should be, you're at camp." she said as I rolled my eyes giggling a little. 

"I was on my way to the gym to do a little practice with my team. I can try and find Corey so you guys can be with him in the mean time." I said as we started walking. Speaking of my brother, I see him. "Corey!" I yell and see him turn around. 

"Hi mom." he said as he hugged her. "Hello father." he said giving him a handshake that lead to a hug. 

"I was on my way to the gym when I ran into them. I'm sure you can keep them company while I'm at practice." I raised my eyebrow at him. 

"Yes I can. Go Jess." he simply said and with that I started jogging to the gym.

The practice went pretty well and I'm pretty sure that we were going to win regardless to who we are playing. Even though there is still tension between me and Kaelee, the team is pretty good, we play well together. 

"Come on Kaelee! Get your head in the game!" yelled coach June. Something was off about here this game. I don't know what it was, but it was starting to get worried. She may have been a bitch, but that doesn't mean I can't be worried for my own teammate. 

It was Kaelee's serve, and before I know it, I see the ball fly past me and rams the other teams libero. Damn! 

The score now was 23-20. We could win this..

"Good serve, just hit it a little bit softer." coach told her.

She did serve it softer this time landing in the front row which they were able to make a play out of it and send it over the net. The ball came right back at Kaelee as she passed the ball to our setter Olivia.

"A! A! A!" Kae yelled from back row. She did her approach and did a back row hit making it land in the left back corner. 

Point for us. 24-20. 

After a few minutes, Kae looked lost, hurt as she looked around in the crowd. Probably looking for her parents which she seemed to be disappointed. I had to cheer her up somehow. 

"You got this Kaelee!" I encouraged her. She smiled back at me, like an actual real smile and served the ball over.

She had served a floater tricking the team and landed short right in the middle of everyone. Ace!

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