Chapter 33

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"A good team can win a volleyball game when they are ahead, but only a great team can win when they are behind."



"Are we done yet?" I asked. We have been running lines for who knows how long and I felt like I was going to puke up lunch and collapse from my legs being sore. 

"I don't know, are you done?" asked Coach in a serious yet questionably tone. 

"Coach, we've been running like all practice. Can't we stop?" asked a very tiring Toby. 

"Your teammates here, think you guys are done. Because of that, you guys finish up practice with ten more lines." and with that he goes by his stuff and looks on his phone. What the hell is he just sitting there for? 

"This is bullshit." I muttered. 

"You guys are just a little over a month of camp, and still haven't acted like a team. You have to learn to stick together and be there for one another. Being a team is like being a family, so start acting like you are all brothers." he yelled as if reading my mind. 

I still think this is crazy for him to make us run all these lines for no reason. Well I guess there was a reason but it was still stupid. I guess I should explain to you from the beginning what happened. 

We started practice doing the butterfly drill but Levy decided it would be funny to goof around during this drill and hit way off making everyone run. Well me and some of the other guys got furious and started hitting the ball at him. Well he didn't like the taste of his own medicine, so he started yelling and pushing us around, thus resulting us running. 

It was all damn Levy's fault. For once, I didn't start anything, which I'm proud of myself. But I think he should be the one running not all of us for all his faults. 

"Keep it up Corey."  said Keith who looked quite exhausted like the rest of us. 

"This is stupid. Levy is the one that started it, why do we all have to run for his part doing?"

"We're a team Corey. Whatever one does wrong, we all do together. It's supposed to teach us to actually be a team, to work together. Or in Coach's terms, a family."

"Well this is still stupid." I scoweled as I went for my last suicide. 

 "Great job guys. We're done for tonight. Before you all leave, your families all have been notified and tomorrow is visitation day. You can have morning off to spend time with your parents, have lunch and then afterwards everyone in the camp plays each other in a tournament while your families watch. So go relax and see you tomorrow." Joseph said before walking out of the gym. 

Visitation day? I wonder if Jess knows about this. Speaking of my sister, I was walking to the Shack to get something to eat when I see my sister hanging out with Noah. After I realized how much of a dick I've been, I've apologized and was sorry and hope she can see that I'm actually trying to make up for the years I've been an ass  to her. 

"Hey guys." I said approaching their table. Jess almost looked surprised but then her face changed when she smiled. 

"Hey Cor. So what are you up to?" 

"Nothing, just thought I'd get a snack." I then looked up at Noah, "Practice was rough wasn't it?"

"Yeah it was." he scoffed. "I don't get why Levy thinks he's all that, this is a team sport. If he wanted to show off he should have chosen like golf or something." he laughed and then I joined him. 

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