Chapter 20: The Wedding Of Fawn's Best Friend

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And that's exactly what everybody did. They lived normal ass fucking lives.

Fawn made it officially legal that day to speak any language you choose. So Isabella spoke more Spanish (especially with her family), Lan spoke more Chinese and Vietnamese, and Li spoke more Chinese. It got confusing at times, but hey. It's their first languages. They can speak it if they want.

Later that week, Isabella and Fawn went on a double date with Xavier and Laura so that Fawn could catch up with them and Isabella could meet them. They were very nice people, and Isabella couldn't wait for their wedding.

The wedding. Huh. That made Isabella think... Think about what she wanted to ask Fawn. She shouldn't do it any time soon. I mean, Fawn has enough on her mind already. Her best friend's wedding, Jared, not destroying the universe. Fawn was just a dam of thoughts. And Isabella was afraid that if there was too much water in the dam that the dam would burst apart.

And nobody wants that.

Isabella had gone out dress shopping with Fawn. Since Fawn was the only lady on Xavier's groomsmen team she got to wear whatever dress she wanted. As long as it was black like the mens' tuxes.

"So I don't have to wear a suit now, do I?" Isabella asked Fawn in the car on the way to the dress shop.

Fawn giggled from the driver's side. "No. Not if you don't want to."

Fawn was quiet for a few more minutes, the only sound was the radio. Fawn then spoke after a song had finished playing. "Teach me."

Isabella raised an eyebrow at Fawn. "Teach you what?"

"Spanish. Teach me Spanish."

Isabella sighed. "Fawn, you don't have to learn Spanish because that's my first language."

"Yeah, I kinda do." Fawn looked at Isabella, and kept looking at her since they were at a red light. "You always speak my first language. Now I think it's time that I speak yours. What do you say...mi salmuera naranja?"

Isabella thought that the gesture was cute, but she burst out laughing.

"What? What is it?" Fawn asked when the light turned green.

"You-you called me your orange pickle!" Isabella kept laughing. "Oh, querido Dios, my abs hurt."

"I-I called you my orange pickle?!" Fawn half-yelled. She, too, started cracking up. "Oh my god! I was trying to say my love, not my orange pickle."

"Where the mierda did you hear the term orange pickle?!"

"I'm not actually sure!" Fawn said. They kept laughing.


The wedding wasn't until a month later, February. February 14th, to be exact. And the wedding was in Hawaii, so Fawn and Isabella had to pack up their things to go. After they finished packing they went to Lan and Li's houses where Anna-Marie and Erik were as well.

"I wish you guys wouldn't go," Anna-Marie said as they all sat in the living room. "I mean, I've never been to Hawaii, and now you bitches are going without me?"

"It's for Xavier's wedding!" Fawn protested.

"But then you guys are staying there after the wedding!"

"I need some alone time with mi amor," Isabella said.

"You always get alone time!" Anna-Marie protested. "You two bastards fucking live together!"

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