Chapter 3: The Thing That Happens So Yeah

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The next item on Fawn's list that Future Fawn said would happen was that Lan was going to say something about a baby. Whatever the hell that meant. I mean, she talks about Flower a lot, but she's more of a toddler. She's not really a baby anymore.

So anyway, it was the day after Anna-Marie talked about snakes. The girls were asleep in various places in Fawn's room, either on her bed, or on a random spot on the floor.

Fawn woke up, and sat up in her bed. She got her glasses up off of the floor, and put them on. Her vision had gotten worse over two years, so she always needed to wear them. She looked down at Isabella, who was sleeping on Fawn's bed. Fawn leaned forward, and kissed Isabella's cheek. Isabella smiled.

"I knew you were awake," Fawn whispered with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," Isabella opened her eyes as she whispered. She looked at Fawn. "You know me. Too well, I think."

"Why, of course, Bella. You're my best friend."

Isabella smiled. "As you are mine."

Fawn bent down and kissed Isabella on her lips.

"Awww!" Fawn heard coming from behind her. Fawn turned around and saw that Anna-Marie and Lan were sitting up and looking at them.

"Why?" Fawn asked. "See, this is why we don't kiss in front of you guys! You've been like this ever since the Planet of Jefferson Starships! Either shut up when you see us kissing, or pretend we don't exist!"

"Sorry!" Anna-Marie shrugged. "We just think it's cute! We could tell you guys liked each other since you guys first met, and then you guys started dating, and we're just so happy for you!"

"Yep," Lan said with a grin. "And since you guys are both almost nineteen you could figure out what job you wanna do, get the information on that job planted into your brains, you can move in together, get married, adopt kids –"

"Woah woah woah," Isabella said, sitting up. "Lan, that seems a little much. We've only been dating for two years. You can't just plan all of that yet! I mean, we're still in high school because we missed so much stuff while we were doing the Battle! One step at a time, okay? Alright. Now, if you excuse me, I have some lady business to handle in the bathroom."


At around noon the girls decided to all watch a movie together in Fawn's bedroom. They decided to watch The Lightning Thief. The remake of it, that is. The first version of that movie was awful, so years later somebody redid it. Except it was exactly like the book. Cool, right?

So anyway, they all watched the movie. They ate popcorn, pizza, and chocolate as they watched it. When it was over, they had finished their food. They decided to just talk with each other about everything because they didn't entirely feel like watching The Sea Of Monsters.

They talked for hours until Fawn's mom Marissa yelled from downstairs, "Fawn! Anna-Marie's mom is here!"

"Okay, Mom!" Fawn yelled back.

"You should probably get ready to go," Fawn told Anna-Marie.

"Yeah, I know," Anna-Marie said as she stood up sluggishly. Anna-Marie got her stuff in her bags, then went to tie on her sneakers when Marissa yelled again.

"Fawn! Anna-Marie's mom's here!"

"I know, Mom!" Fawn yelled back. "She ain't fucking Flash! Give her a minute! Please!"

Fawn looked at her friends. "I don't know if I should have cursed at my mother. Should I have?"

"No," Lan said.

"Maybe not," Isabella said.

"Yeah," Anna-Marie spoke as she was tying her shoes. "But it won't hurt if you apologize."

"Ah, dammit," Fawn said. She knew her friends were right. But Fawn was just a bit stressed by what Future Fawn told her.


So everybody left before five o'clock. But Fawn didn't really mind. She kinda wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

She was laying on her bed looking up at the off-white ceiling again. Anna-Marie had talked about snakes. So was that it? Was Fawn just doomed to destroy the universe? Is that why she didn't have enough time to fix something in a day? Was that it?

Fawn couldn't, wouldn't believe that. She would save the universe. She didn't care if that created a paradox or not. She would save the universe so that she would never have to go back in time to make herself fix things.

But what was one eighteen-year-old supposed to do? She couldn't tell her friends. They wouldn't be able to understand yet.

But little did she know that one of her friends already knew of something going wrong.


The next day Lan called Fawn early in the morning.

"What is it?" Fawn groaned into the phone as she put her glasses on.

"I'm pregnant!" Lan squealed into the phone. "Flower's gonna have a baby brother or sister in eight months!"

"Oh my gosh!" Fawn said as happily as she could o'clock in the morning on a Sunday. "Well, I am very happy for you! Sorry that I don't sound it. It's early in the morning on a Sunday."

"Oh! Yeah! I'm sorry! I just really wanted to tell you. I'll go bother Anna-Marie now! Go back to sleep! Sorry!"

"No, it's alright. Congrats!"

"Thanks, Fawn!"

"You're welcome, Lan. Now, I'm gonna go back to sleep, but I'll talk to you later."

"KK! Have a good rest!"

"Thanks." And with that Fawn hung up. She put down her phone and her glasses. Before Fawn went to sleep she realized...

Lan. She talked about a baby. Was Fawn really doomed to destroy the universe?

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