Chapter 26: Right Before Departure

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They decided not to leave until the next day. Which meant that that night Fawn couldn't go to sleep. She was lying on her bed staring straight up at the ceiling. She kept her glasses on so it wouldn't be blurry.

After about an hour of trying to go to sleep, Isabella noticed that Fawn was no where near sleeping. 

"Hmm, hola bebé. Lo que es preocupante por lo que?" Isabella asked in Spanish.

Fawn understood what she meant. For the most part, anyway. She said something along the lines of, "Hey, babe. What's troubling you?"

Fawn sighed. "I just...I don't know... I'm afraid...I'm afraid that this plan won't work..."

Isabella stroked Fawn's hair slightly. "It will, querida... It will."

"But we don't know that... I want it to work, but am just afraid that it won't... This...this could change everything..."

"Yes. It could. It could help save a lot of people. The whole damn universe, even. I understand that it's tough and there's a lot of pressure. But it's gonna be okay."

Fawn looked at Isabella and smiled. "Especially since I'll have you."

Isabella smiled too. "Sí. Especially so." Fawn leaned forward and kissed Isabella. Near the end of their kiss they both smiled.

Fawn moved a strand of Isabella's hair behind her ear. "I'm so glad I have you..."

Isabella smiled up at her. "And I you..." She took Fawn's glasses off. "Now go to sleep. You're gonna need it for tomorrow."

Fawn put her glasses on the bedside table, then went to sleep on her back. Isabella scooted closer to her, her leg up across Fawn's waist with her knee bent. She had her hand on Fawn's chest. Fawn couldn't help but smile as she put her arm around Isabella's neck. They both fell asleep in that position.


They were almost finished loading up the rocket when Alsoomse started getting dizzy. She put her hand on the wall, her other hand on her head. She cringed, her head feeling as if it was splitting open.

"Alsoomse?" Anna-Marie asked. "Are you okay?"

Lan walked over to her. "Hey, Alsoomse, I need you to tell me how much it hurts, okay?"

Alsoomse opened her eyes suddenly, her head snapping up to look at Lan. Lan back up in surprise. Alsoomse's eyes were a dark, royal purple. She stared off into the distance and began to speak in a scratchy voice:

"Everything happens for a reason...
Your destiny, the Young Miss, is already set in stone...
Nǐ yǐwéi nǐ kěyǐ zǔzhǐ tā. Wǒ zhīdào nǐ yǐjīng shìguò...
Bạn cứ rối tung lên vào những thời điểm rất sai...
Estos nombres son importantes, pronto verá lo siguiente: José, Colletta, y Sophia Marie...
Obliviscaris floris lilii historia repetit, ut perdat. Omnia deleri non velit..."

Alsoomse's eyes went into the back of her head, and she feel unconscious on the ground.

"Alsoomse!" Lan said as she walked over to her. She made sure that Alsoomse was stilling breathing and had a regular pulse. She had both. Lan sighed. "Whatever that was probably took away a lot of energy..."

"Wh-what the hell was that?" Erik asked.

Li picked Flower up and shook his head. "No idea..."

"I don't entirely understand what she said, though," Fawn said with a frown. "I understood 'Everything happens for a reason...'"

"And 'Your destiny, the young miss, is already set in stone," Anna-Marie continued. "But which young miss? That's almost everyone here."

"Maybe she meant me." Fawn shrugged. "I mean, my last name is Young."

Lily nodded. "That would make sense."

"What was that next line, though?" Anna-Marie asked.

"Chinese," Lan said as she walked over to Flower and Li. "She said, 'You think you can stop it. I know you've tried.' Then Vietnamese. She said, 'You keep messing up at the very wrong times.'"

"Then it's Spanish," Isabella finally said, sitting down next to Lilly's kids on the ground. "'These names are important, soon you'll see: José, Coletta, and Sophia Marie... José is the Spanish name for Joseph..."

"Isn't Coletta your sister's name?" Lan asked. "You know, Joseph's kid."

"Y-yeah... But that last part..."

"Latin," Lilly said. "For 'Don't forget, sweet flower of lilies, history repeats, you might lose them. You wouldn't want everything to be erased..."

Fawn looked down at Alsoomse. "Was...was Alsoomse giving a prediction?"

Lily shook her head and shrugged. "Who knows?"

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