Chapter 35: Abandon Ship, And Head Home

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Fawn began to panic. Of course she did. She was just told that she was probably going to die soon. But then she had a thought...

"How do I know that you're not lying?"

Joseph's smile quickly left his face. "What?"

"How do I know that you're not lying to me?" Fawn repeated. "How do I know that this entity actually told you that? How do I know that you're not just trying to scare me?"

Because I am this entity you speak of, Fawn suddenly heard a deep voice say. And I promise you, I told him what he said I did.

The voice seemed to be everywhere at once. In the trees, in the ground, in the sky, in her head. It was everywhere...

"Oh," Fawn said. She took a deep breath. "Um... Mister Entity? Sir? May I ask what's going on? I'm a bit confused. I dunno, it might've been 'cause of the shadow things. Might have a concussion..."

Please, call me God, the voice said. Everybody does.

"Everybody?" Fawn whispered.

Yes. Where do you think those legends came from? Did you think your people just made them up? Every being across the galaxy, possibly across the whole universe, has a concept of a god. I am the Original One. The one their stories derive off of. I am the Big Bang. The beginning of creation.

"Ah, okay!" Fawn said with a smile. "You're the OG, man! Aight! Nice! I like!"

The voice seemed to chuckle. I like your sense of humor, Young Miss...

Fawn's smile dropped. She had heard somebody call her that before...

Alsoomse. When she gave her prediction.

Yes, the voice said, almost like he could read her thoughts. I gave the Free Runner that prediction...

"Lord," Jossph said. "Not to put you in a rush of anything, but since you, the immortal being, don't exactly have a concept of time I'd like to point out how much of it you are using."

Patience, Joseph. I'm getting there... I brought you here, Fawn, to be with Joseph. He will not kill you today. But one day soon...he might.

Fawn took a shaky breath. "Gee, thanks." She glared at Joseph.

But he is not allowed to today. All that is allowed is for somebody to open that chest. And get what they most desire. The chance to destroy the universe. And the chance to save it... But things are tricky. And if you don't do it right you might get the wrong gift...

"Why me?" Fawn asked. "You could've chosen anyone. Lilly. Anna-Marie or Erik. Lan or Li. Isabella. But you picked me. Why is that?"

The voice chuckled again. Do you remember what Lilly told you? Joseph sorted you all into Hogwarts Houses. He knows the Gryffindors would be a fun challenge. As well as the Ravenclaws and the Slytherins. Anna-Marie is seeking revenge and he knows it. Erik, though not at the same amount, is also seeking revenge. He's seen Lan angry, and he knows what Li is capable of. He's seen Isabella tell off her mother and threaten to shoot his children. They've already proved themselves to be strong...

But he's always hated the Hufflepuffs. Finds them...weak. He's already faced Lilly and her wrath before. When her children and husband died. Now I believe it is time for you to prove yourself.

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