Chapter 27: A New Planet With New Things...

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The spaceship was calming. It let everybody's minds wander. They thought about what they should do. They should just get the compass and get out. But how so? Would they distract Joseph? Wait until he slept? How would this be done?

They all had a plan. Hopefully it would work.


They kept finding new planets. It was actually quite interesting. They were able to name them whatever the hell they wanted, which was definitely the fun part.

Lan named the planet this time. She called it Sobern. Everybody liked the name. The planet itself was a greenish blue with a giant gray looking island. There were rings around it that were made of fire, hence why Lan called it Sobern.

They landed on the giant gray island. Joseph always seemed to like the whole "bigger is better" mentality, so chances are he was on the biggest island.

Everybody on the ship (Anna-Marie, Fawn, Lan, Isabella, Lilly, and Alsoomse) talked for a minute after landing.

"Okay," Lilly began, "so, we all know what to do, yes? Fawn, you get to Joseph to distract him. Isabella, you distract your mother. Alsoomse, you get Anna-Marie and Lan over to Joseph's spaceship with you before stealing the compass. Anna-Marie, wreck the engines. Lan, wreck some of their supplies. I'll stay here in communications just in case. Everybody got it?"

"Yes," the younger women all said at once.

"Alright. Ready? Go. Joseph's spaceship isn't too far away."


Either Lilly didn't know the definition of "too far away" or the spaceship's sensors unintentionally lied to her. They walked out of the ship, and didn't see the spaceship for about a half hour (and yes, they made sure they were going the right way first).

The planet was beautiful, and different than any planet they had been on so far. All of the plants were made of different metals: copper, silver, gold, platinum, bronze, and iron were all they could identify. Some of the trees were small, like flowers. Others were taller than any other tree back on Earth. There were animals there, but they were little metallic bugs. They thought they heard a tiger growling up in one of the trees, but they ran away before they could be sure.

They saw Joseph's spaceship. It was sparkly and silver and looked more like a rocket than a spaceship with its thin body.

Outside of the spaceship there was smoke coming up from a fire. There was a camp with a tent and the two Josephs, Violeta, and Coletta.

Alsoomse took a deep breath. "Anna-Marie. Lan. You ready?"

"Yes," Anna-Marie and Lan muttered.

Alsoomse took another deep breath. Her eyes turned a dark purple again as she grabbed Anna-Marie and Lan. All three of them turned invisible. It looked as if they just magically disappeared from sight. For Anna-Marie and Lan it felt like the air escaped their lungs quickly and went back in just as fast.

Fawn and Isabella were alone. They looked at each other.

"You ready, mi amor?" Isabella asked.

Fawn nodded with a shaky breath. "Yeah. I'm ready. Hopefully this works..."

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