Chapter 44: Flashbacks, Part 1

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Everybody sat around the Montoya-Young living room. Erik, Anna, Lan, and Li were sitting on the couch. Erik was holding the sleeping Megan while Lan was holding her fussy Fawn. In the chairs across the room were Lilly and Achaana. Lilly had left her kids with a babysitter so she was finally able to, somewhat, relax. Meanwhile Alsoomse was sitting on the arm of Achaana's chair. Isabella was sitting on the ottoman in front of Lilly's chair with Fawn on the floor in front of her. Across from Fawn was Flower playing with Barbie dolls and a monster truck.

"Where did you get the name Flower?" Lilly asked to try to break the silence. "It's really beautiful."

Lan hesitated. "It's not my story to tell. And it's not necessarily the happiest..." She turned to Li. "Do you want to tell them? You don't have to, though, love..."

Li took a deep breath. "It's okay... I think I can tell it... I'm just warning everyone that it's sad. So... So yeah."

Fawn shrugged. "The energy in this room is already sad, thanks to me. A little more sad might not hurt."

Li chuckled at that. "Sorry, I know it's not funny, but..."

Fawn smiled. "I know. You don't have to explain yourself."

Li sighed. "Yeah... Flower's name is in honor of my sister... Ying Yue. She's a few years younger than me. And autistic. She was obsessed with flowers. All kinds of flowers. She always drew flowers, always talked about flowers. Her favorite word was flower..." Li took a deep breath. "One day I was outside playing in our front yard. Ying Yue was nearby. My parents were inside making lunch so I was to watch Ying Yue. While I wasn't looking she found a butterfly on a flower and started chasing it. She chased it into the road... Then a car came... I didn't notice until it was just about, you know..." Li took another deep breath, this one shaky. "I watched it happen... She was five at the time..." A single tear went down his face. He put his face in his hands as he took some deep breaths. Lan rubbed his back gently with her hands.

"I'm so sorry," Lilly whispered. "Both that I brought it up and that that happened..."

Li moved his hands with a sniffle. "It's okay. I needed to get it out. I needed to mention her again... At least you know now..."

Anna stood up and walked over to Li. She put her arm out for him. He slowly looked up at her and grabbed her hand. She pulled him off the couch.

Anna had tears forming in her eyes. As she looked at the tears on Li's face she blinked, which causes the tears to go down her own face.

"I know what you're going through," Anna said in a choked up voice. "More than anybody else here... I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry that that happened and that you witnessed that... I also want you to know...I want you to know that it's not your fault... It's not your fault..."

Li smiled. "That's what my therapist told me growing up."

Anna smiled back. "That's what my therapist told me, too. Yours helpful?"

Li nodded. "Oh yeah... Sometimes I still have to remind myself of what he taught me, though..."

Anna nodded. "Yeah. I get that..." She extended her arms in front of him. Li extended his arms as they embraced each other. They stayed like that for some time.


Li made lunch for everyone. Lan made lemonade that everyone drank. However, the first time she made it she spilled half of it on the floor. She gave a big sigh before cleaning it up.

Li laughed then jokingly said, "Come on! You can do better than that!" Lan stuck her tongue out.

Erik suddenly started laughing and looking at Anna. "That sound familiar?"

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