Chapter 36: The Peace Of It All

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Everybody returned home. Back to Earth. Fawn was saying good bye to Lilly, giving her a huge hug.

"We Hufflepuffs need to keep in touch," Fawn said with a slight smile.

Lilly chuckled. "I'll try to do that."

"No," Isabella cut in as the other two stopped hugging. "Really. Do it. We know that you haven't been the greatest since Jared's death."

"I mean, we know his family's been helping," Fawn also added.

"Yes, exactly. But...still. If you ever need anything..."

"A shoulder to cry on. A friend to talk to."

"Somebody to babysit your kids."

"Of course!"

"Then just let us know."

Lilly smiled. "Thank you, ladies." She gave each of them another hug. Lilly then walked over to Anna-Marie and Erik.

"Will I see you two at the next family reunion?" Lilly asked with a hopeful smile. They tended to have an extended family reunion every year over the summer. They started it after the Battle of the Races ended.

"Maybe," Anna said. "We haven't figured it out yet."

"Though we're really hoping to," Erik put in. "But we'll definitely see you before then."

"I hope so," Lilly said.

And from there, everybody parted ways. At least for the day.

Then their lives began to go back to normal. From before Joseph intended to destroy the universe. There were celebrations to be had and there was normal-ness to enjoy...

It was rather peaceful.


A week later. April 16th.

"Lotus, keep your eyes shut! You're ruining the surprise!" Lan complained.

Lotus rolled her eyes while they were still somewhat open. "Then stop bumping me into walls!"

"Here, let me help," Li said. Lotus felt Li hold onto her other arm. "Close your eyes."

Lotus closed her eyes again. "You know, you could just greet me by saying 'happy birthday'. Like normal people."

Lan snorted. "Us? Normal? Come on, Lotus. Don't you know better by now?"

Lotus rolled her eyes, and was glad that her eyes were shut so nobody would notice. "Yeah, yeah. Just get on with it."

Lan and Li stopped walking. So did Lotus.

"Wait here a moment," Li said. Lotus suddenly felt the four hands touching her move away. She waited for a moment, like Li said to, before hearing him say, "Open your eyes."

Lotus opened her eyes. She was in her parents' dining room. Her mother and father were on the farthest end of the table, smiling at her from behind the cake. Next to the cake standing on a chair and also smiling was her niece, Flower. Sitting opposite of her was Feng, wearing a dorky t-shirt to match his dorky grin. Lan and Li stood behind Flower's seat, also smiling. Sitting in the seat closest to Lotus was a guy she had only ever seen in pictures. He was more beautiful that she could've imagined. He had rather pale skin, dark gray eyes, and dark blond hair that was light blond in some places. He had a large, light colored mole on his chin, and a smaller, darker colored one next to his nose. His jaw line was also quite nice. When he smiled at her she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Lotus couldn't help but smile back. "Rune? Is it you?"

Rune stood up, and spoke in a German accent. "It is me. I came to wish you a happy birthday." He outstretched his arms. Lotus ran into them and buried her face in his shoulders. She began to cry.

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