Chapter 25: Wattpad's Not Quite Working In My Favor

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Hello! So this is the first time this has happened in this story, but the chapter title is too long so my on-and-off again BFF, Wattpad, won't let me write it above! So here is the real chapter title below:

Chapter 25: "It's Time To Buckle Your Seat Belts, Bitches! Because You Obviously Don't Know SHIT!"

Hope you enjoy!! :) <3


Alsoomse got ready to go on an adventure at her place, then met up with everyone back at Fawn and Isabella's place.

While Li was helping Flower use the bathroom, Erik was making snacks, and Lilly's kids were taking a nap on the floor near (or in) the cat bed that Isabella and Fawn bought for a potential cat, the ladies started talking to Alsoomse.

"So what was it like?" Lan asked. "Moving from one planet to the other?"

"It was, was weird," Alsoomse said. "I mean, I was so used to the Planet of Free Land that Earth was...Earth was actually the weird planet. I don't know. And it took me a while to adjust, for sure... I just wish my mother would stop complaining about how she wants to see Dad again... Dad's dead. Has been for years... But now she's pestering me to marry someone like Achaana, but I just don't like anyone! Earth people are...somewhat boring. No offense. I didn't mean you girls personally."

"None taken," Isabella said. "So, since you're half Free Runner, what kind of stuff do you do? Besides having abnormal seeing?"

Alsoomse smirked. "Oh so many things! I can see and hear form great distances. Um, I can turn invisible! Why I didn't do that at the jewelry store I'll never know... I can also jump and fall and leap and stuff at great distances and heights. I can do magic-like things, but I can't control them as well as Achaana can. Oh, and I can run really fast when on full speed. Achaana and I even beat that Usain Bolt guy."

Fawn snorted. "Oh wow! That's fast!"

"I know!" Alsoomse said.

"Oh, hey!" Anna-Marie said. "Lilly, what were those items that Joseph had? You know, that we helped him with?"

"Well," Lilly began, "the gold compass, the four sets of keys, a treasure chest with a map to the Planet of Free Land, and a Dragon Jewel."

Alsoomse's eyes widened. "A-a Dragon Jewel?"

"Yees?" Lilly said with a raised eyebrow. "That is what I said, right?"

"I-is it blue? Like, uh-uh, sapphires? Lined with diamonds?"

Isabella say up straight. "Yeah. It is. How did you know that?"

Alsoomse looked at Isabella. "How did you find that?"

Isabella shrugged. "It was in my first task. I was to retrieve it..."

"Why?" Fawn asked. "Is it important?"

Alsoomse's eyes widened even more. "It's time to buckle your seat belts, bitches! Because you obviously don't know shit!"


"So what you're saying," Fawn said, "is that... The Dragon Jewel? It's important to both the Native Americans and the Free Runners?"

"Yes," Alsoomse answered. "The Dragon Jewel is from Free Land. That's what we call it. It was...the Free Runners told us, by learning our language, that in their legends dragons were their gods. The monarch of the gods created the Dragon Jewel out of the finest gems of the age... All of the gods' powers were absorbed into the jewel... After all of the gods have died it is said that somebody will take the jewel, and use it to go to Destiny's Heaven. You will find a golden compass. When the stars are will point you to Destiny's Heaven... Then they will find the four sets of keys to use them... And they will either save the universe...or destroy it."

Fawn looked seriously at Lilly. "I guess that that's gonna be Joseph."

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