Chapter 33: To Destiny's Heaven HE Went, Too

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Alsoomse drove the spaceship closer to the planet, towards the waterfall closest to them. But as they got closer her head began to hurt more and more. Her eyes would flicker between their usual dark red and their dark purple. At one point she closed her eyes due to the pain.

"Al," Achaana said worriedly, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Al, talk to me."

Alsoomse stopped the ship from moving at all. Now they were simply hovering in space. "I-I dunno... The closer we get the more my head hurts..." She closed her eyes. "I can hear...voices...see images..." She opened her eyes. She looked at Achaana and he backed away from her slightly. One of her eyes was red and the other was purple. As far as the twins were concerned this had never happened before. "I can see and hear everyone that has been here before. How they got here. Their species. What they planned to do here..." She looked back out at the planet. "And for almost all of they died here..."

Achaana looked at everyone else on the ship, who were staring at the twins. "Alsoomse and I should stay on board. To make sure she doesn't get too overwhelmed..."

Alsoomse grabbed Achaana's arm. "Brother, no. You know how much our people would love to have gone here..." She was silent for a second. "Our...our father..."

Achaana turned to Alsoomse. "What?" The twins hadn't seen their dad since they were 6, and they barely even remembered him.

"Our father... And his tribe... They came here. Tried to seek what they were searching for... They all ended up dying... But our father..." Tears went down Alsoomse's face. "He said...he said, 'My darling Millaray. I will see you again... Achaana, remain brave. Alsoomse, remain strong. You will live a good life... And I cannot wait to hear about how they went...'" Alsoomse put her hands on her face as she began to sob. "Those were...those were his last words..."

Achaana wiped his hand over his face. He then turned to face the planet. "Can you see?" he asked his sister, his voice cracking.

Alsoomse looked up and nodded. "Yes. I can see through the clouds..." Alsoomse's eyes widened.

"Al? What is it?"

Alsoomse turned around in her chair to look at the others. "You must go. Quickly. I can hear the words of a man... A man who plans to destroy the universe. A man who has just arrived."

"Joseph," Anna-Marie growled.

"Go," Achaana said. "Use the teleports from my room. Quickly."


Everyone grabbed a teleportation device from Achaana's room. Apparently they were something new that his job was working on. He was able to grab a bunch that he knew worked before going on this journey. They all grabbed one and put it on their wrists before leaving the ship.

When they transported onto this new planet many of them were amazed at what they saw. They were at the top of the waterfall and watched the water trickle down the edge out into the darkness, turning into stardust as it did so. They were inside the white fluffy clouds, but it did not look like there were clouds while they were standing on it.

"It must be a sort of cloaking device," Lan said. "Ya know, like a magical one."

Except for the small, winding river everything nearby was white. The ground was white. The trees were white. And when they looked directly up the sky looked white.

As everybody finished teleporting on Fawn looked around. She turned 180° away from the waterfall and found something new that wasn't white. It was a dark black and the opposite side of it looked like there was nothing but thick white fog for as far as she could see. Fawn, even with her glasses on, squinted to see what the dark black was.

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