Chapter 32: To Destiny's Heaven At Last

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A month later. Anna-Marie told her closest friends that she was pregnant, but she didn't want people beyond practically-family to know yet. She was still in the first trimester; complications could occur.

It was now April 9th. Megan's eighteenth birthday. Anna-Marie woke up that day feeling quite sad. She turned to her right and saw Erik still lying down in their bed, a book in his hand.

"Hey," Anna-Marie said.

Erik closed his book, put it down, then turned to Anna-Marie. "Hey."

"You remember what day it is?"

Erik nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Yeah..." Anna-Marie looked down. Erik touched Anna-Marie's arm lightly.

"Hey, Erik?"

"Yes, Ann?"

"If...if our baby ends up being a girl...can we..." Anna-Marie's eyes started to tear up. She swallowed before continuing her sentence. She looked up at Erik. "Can we name her Megan?"

Erik nodded. "Of course, love." Erik kissed Anna-Marie's forehead. "If you weren't going to suggest it I was going to."

Anna-Marie made a noise that was between a laugh and a sob. "Thank you..." Anna-Marie hugged Erik. "You're the best."

Erik hugged Anna-Marie as well. "Well, I try to be the man you deserve."


Erik chuckled, then kissed her on top of her head.


Anna-Marie was still in bed when she heard her phone go off. She turned, grabbed her phone off of the nightstand, and answered it.

"Hello?" she said as Erik frowned at her.

"Hey!" Fawn said. "Hope you can call out of work for the next week or so! 'Cause I just got a call from my sister! Achaana and Alsoomse are ready. We're going to be heading out to Destiny's Heaven. I already called your mom and she should be expecting us in an hour or two. Got it?"

Anna-Marie grunted. "Okay. See ya in an hour or two then." Anna-Marie hung up the phone, then put it down.

"What's up?" Erik asked.

"Destiny's Heaven," Anna-Marie answered. "We're heading out today..."

Erik nodded. "Okay. I'll help you pack. And take you to your mother's."

Anna-Marie nodded. "Thanks."


Anna-Marie and Erik ended up being the last ones there. Katelyn wasn't feeling well and didn't leave her house so Anna-Marie said good bye to her before going to the spaceships.

Anna-Marie and Erik walked into the the already-turned-on spaceship. They put Anna's stuff in her room on the ship and headed to the bridge. There they found Lilly, the Free Runner twins, the Yi-Zhaos minus Flower, and the Montoya-Youngs.

"Hey," Anna said. "We leaving soon?"

Alsoomse shrugged. "Whenever you white people are ready. Land stealers."

Achaana snorted. "Alsoomse, you can't blame them for the actions of their ancestors."

"Why? Their people are rude to us for what we look like."

"We're working to try to change that," Anna-Marie said. "As much as we can."

"I'm planning on starting a new government," Lilly said. "With newer and better and less discriminatory laws. And we're going to have at least one representative of each race on the council."

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