•4• Meet Up

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Next Day...

Mike's P.O.V

"I don't know if we can keep Crystal here anymore; she caused a fight on her first day and she's already got the kids on her bad side," I sighed with frustration. 

I don't know what to, I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can but I have to do what's best for the kids.

"Well, I don't think that's fair," Tracy protested. "You gave me tons of chances and you only gave her one? You've seen her file, you know her past so be less harsh on her." I thought about it. 

I guess I did give Tracy a lot of chances when she was in care. I'll give Crystal another chance.. I nodded at Tracy and she smiles with satisfaction.

'Knock Knock.' Who could that be, knocking on my office door?


A few hours ago...

Crystal's P.O.V

Okay, just because I might be mates with Liam and Frank, definitely does not mean I've gone soft. OKAY? Glad we could clear that up. Anyways, I need to do something fun and interesting.

I rush downstairs and into the living room. Most of the boys were crowed by the pool table. By boys I mean, Liam, Frank, Johnny, Gus - he keeps the score, and Toby. The teams were Liam and Frank against Johnny and Toby. The girls - Lilly, Tee and Carmen were watching t.v whilst Sapphire and Harry were probably in the rooms. 

No one seemed to notice me. I'm guessing everyone is pissed of at me because of yesterday. Frank then turns around and smiles before asking if I wanted to join in. As soon as he said my name, the whole room was silent. Well this is awkward... I look around to see everyone staring at me.

" 'ere Crystal, you can take my place," Liam says, breaking the VERY awkward silence. 

I give a small smile before taking the stick thing. To be honest, I had no idea how to play pool so I was just going to watch the others play before doing it myself. 

Unfortunately, Johnny wanted me to go first. I mentally groaned and tried winging it. Turns out, you're not supposed to 'wack' the balls; you're supposed to poke them.

'Ding' went my phone. That was unusual, no texts me on my phone. They usually send e-mails. I type in my password and then check my messages with everyone suspiciously looking at me.

New Message From HollyIsAnAmazingRebel:

HollyIsAnAmazingRebel: How's the new dump? Heard it sorts out troublemakers lol. Yu better be causing trouble as Chris has a job for you :P

ME: Had to sort out a girl on the first day - yu still think im 'sorted out'. Btw whats the job :*

HollyIsAnAmazingRebel: I guess it's the same old Crystal. Nd idk, he just said he has a job but it must be extra special as he is willing to pay for it <3

ME: Count me in then. Money calls :p Nd wat time?

HollyIsAnAmazingRebel: How bout 'round midnight? Wud u be able to sneak out?

ME: Yeh dw, I'll be able to sneak out bc im ninja! XD gtg ly :*

HollyIsAnAmazingRebel: Okay then ninja :) Bye ly2 <3


Ooooohhh, I'm excited for this job, finally some action! I'm guessing Chris probably wants me to steal some drugs or money - no biggie. Well, I better go shopping if I want to look ready for the job. Only thing is, I don't have any money on me... What if I ask Mike?

Back To The Office Bit

I knock on the office's door before going in. I need to act all goody two shoes if I want that money right? Mike just smiles at me. Okay, that's creepy.. Where's his glare gone!? I was thinking about it so much that I forgot the real reason why I was here. Tracy looks at me, waiting for an explanation of why I'm in the office.

"Mikeeee... Is it okay if I can borrow some money for shopping as most of my stuff at Burnywood got nicked?" I used my puppy dog eyes. 

I mean come on, no one can resist the puppy dog eyes. He hesitates before saying yes. He takes out one £20 pound note and one £5 note.

"Make sure you have enough money for the bus there and back. I don't want you walking on the streets by yourself so be careful Crystal." Mike said.

Wow, he actually cares about me? Nahh, it's probably just an act - they get paid to care about you. I nod my head yes before saying thanks. 

Well that was easy but I need to make sure that no one finds out about the job. That's probably the most difficult bit. Living in a care home means you get no privacy. I then soon left to go shopping.


(After Shopping) - CBA TO WRITE IT SOZ :p

I bought a lot of black clothes as that is what you would wear when you're being badass. The outfit made me look like a rebel. <Outfit above> All I have to do now is wait till midnight when everyone is asleep...



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