•9• Bad Day..

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Crystal's P.O.V

I woke up feeling horrible. I was aching everywhere. I knew I was going to be in a bad mood now and snap at everyone so I might as well stay in bed all day. But, NO, Gina and Mike had other plans for me. Which included; waking up and leaving my bed. And doing everyone's chores! This is pure torture. I decided to be super lazy and just grabbed some comfy clothes. Picture of clothes --> (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/90/2d/96902dab4531a2665e60cc0e0045de82.jpg) Or just type into google images - comfy clothes - it would be the first one :)

I personally think that Mike and Gina were lucky that I didn't snap at them. Because I normally would have. It took me a while to get changed as I was still half asleep. I then loitered off to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did all my girly needs.

I then walked up to the mirror to see my atrocious face. My hair was sticking out in every direction while my face was horrifyingly pale. I had dark circles around my eyes and I just looked really bad in general. I grab some concealer to try blemish out my dark under eye circles. It kind of did work and it did make me look slightly better.

I then brushed through my hair which was a huge challenge. It kept on getting stuck as I had many knots and tangles in my hair. I then put my hair into a high but messy bun. I looked a lot better. I wasn't the best looking but I guess it was quite presentable. It's like; there's royalty and then there is also peasants. I'm not either of them, I'm in the middle. So like normal people. You probably didn't need me explaining but I just felt like I should.

I then ran downstairs in a bad mood. They didn't have to wake me up. I could have been extremely sick. Did they want the rest of the kids to get sick?! When I got to the kitchen, I saw that everyone was there except Liam. How come he wasn't here? This is complete bullcrap! Just because I'm the new girl, doesn't mean people get me to do others chores. I was now boiling with fury. How could Liam get away with not doing the chores!

I sat down to eat breakfast. Everyone was gossiping happily while I was just glaring at my empty plate. I didn't feel like eating. I was about to leave when I heard Mike coughing. It wasn't a normal cough; it was more like -Crystal, sit down and eat- cough. I sighed and then grabbed some toast. I munched on it slowly. Everyone soon left the kitchen and I was the only one still eating. I only had one piece of toast but I haven't even finished eating it yet.

I threw the toast into the bin and then placed my plate in the sink. I remembered that I was the one who was supposed to do everyone's dishes but I just couldn't be bothered. I ran upstairs and then barged into Liam's room. He wasn't there? Whattttt? I thought he was ill or something? I groaned with frustration. Thought he was my friend. Turns out that he only wanted me to take the blame for everything.

He probably didn't even care that I was getting beaten up by Holly and Chris. He probably was meeting some friends and he just happened to see me getting beaten up. He probably thought that it would be a good excuse to be sneaking out. He probably thought that he wouldn't be in much trouble for sneaking out. That bastard! I knew where he was going to be; Frank's room.

I charged into Frank's room without knocking. I scanned the room and saw both of them playing cards. I was fuming. You could probably see steam coming out of my ears. (Does it come out of your ears - I acc don't even know -.-) Liam just grinned cheekily at me.

"A' right Crystal?" Liam smirked at me. (Sorry for the fail of trying to do Liam's accent. :( )

"No. I ain't alright, you idiot!" I spat back. Liam looked sympathetically at me.

(Conscience vs heart...) Btw, conscience is normal writing and heart is italics :)

Was he actually sorry? Now I feel bad...

Crystal, he deserves this!

No he doesn't deserve this.

He let you take the blame for everything. He. Doesn't. Care. About. You.

Yes, he does!

Does he really?....


My conscience won. He doesn't care. He never did and he never will.

"Yanoe what? You ain't worth my breath! Don't ever talk to me!" I glared coldly at him.

Before he could even reply, I exited Frank's room. I felt quite immature but I guess that Crystal's Adam's for ya! I walk off to my room and then flop onto my bed.

Going to do one more chapter and then I'm going to stop writing this fanfic for a while. I might change my mind and start writing but the chances are quite unlikely atm. If you don't know what's going on - read the end of the previous chapter :)

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