•23• Nightmares & Bananas

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"Mike... c-can I p-please go to A-America to visit my brother?" I choke out.

Mike looks at me astonished.

"Which one?"

"U-Uh," I look up at the ceiling and he soon gets the idea.

"Listen Crystal, I'm really sorry but we can't afford to let you go right now..." He says slowly.

I nod my head, understanding what he said.

"But, you can go visit him for his birthday?" He says calmly.

I quickly avert my eyes from the floor and then look at Mike in hope.

"R-really?" I choke out.

He nods his head. I zoom towards him and then hug him.

"Thank you so much!" I muffled into his shirt.

He pats my head,
"Don't blame yourself for it, it will be a'right. He's dancing with angels now," He smiles politely.

I nod my head before looking back down to the ground.

He's dancing with angels now...

The night before the day - 30th January..

Crystal's P.O.V
Everyone right now is sleeping, whereas, I'm wide awake with monsters lurking in my mind. I can't sleep knowing what happened exactly hours before that day. I know it's been eight years since that day but that does not lessen the pain I feel.

Knowing that I won't be sleeping any time soon, I get out of bed and decided to go into the  living room.

The dumping ground is so peaceful at night whereas, in the morning, it is chaos. The only thing I could hear was light snoring and an occasional mumble; but that was while I was scuttling down the stairs.

I lay on the sofa which was in front of me and then started playing with my fingers. I would do anything to get this nightmare out of my head but it was stuck there. Almost like it was stuck on replay.

I could see and hear the gun shot blasting into my brothers stomach. The blood was pouring out and I couldn't do anything. I remember the man snickering at what just happened.

The blood poured out for hours and we could only hear him whimpering, until suddenly, he stopped. Even though I was only six, I knew exactly what had happened.

He was gone and he was never coming back.


Liam's P.O.V
I was laying in bed, thinking about what happened in Crystal's past that made her so defensive and upset. I really wanted to text Riley to ask about it but I knew it was wrong. I couldn't do that to Crystal.

I was debating on whether or not I should ask Riley about her past, when I heard shuffling outside my door. At first I thought it was someone going to the toilet but I never heard the bathroom door close. Instead, I heard someone going downstairs.

Me being super curious, I decided to follow. It could be a burglar trying to steal our stuff! Or a criminal trying to kill us! Or even a Captain Hook thinking I'm Peter Pan; he might even try kill me! It could even be a giant banana trying to eat us all.

My jaw dropped at the thought of a banana chasing us before bursting into laughter. I had to laugh quietly as everyone else was sleeping so I just put my sleeve towards my mouth, trying to contain the giggles.

I slowly tip-toe downstairs, only to discover Crystal on the sofa. And there was me thinking a banana would eat me! I hide behind the door as I was curious with what Crystal was doing.

She was just doing something with her fingers for the first five minutes but then she started whimpering. I thought it was because she hurt her finger or something so I decided to stay where I was and not intervene.

She then started muttering harshly and starts aggressively pulling on her hair. She kept pulling harder and harder each time which made me think she was going to be bald. I watched carefully and realised she was frustrated.

Her lips were quivering violently and they weren't the normal pink colour. Instead they were pale, similar to the colour of her face. All the colour was drained out of her face which made her look like a drug addict but she still looked beautiful.

She had blood shot, puffy eyes and crazy bed hair. Her hair was no longer shiny and that nice brown colour. It looked dull and you were able to notice her split ends.

However, in my eyes, she will always look beautiful; no matter what

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However, in my eyes, she will always look beautiful; no matter what.

I didn't realise I was staring at Crystal for so long until she starts sobbing. I looked at her and notice her hands on top of her head.

I couldn't bear hearing her cry so I immediately rushed to her side. I bring her into a hug and she doesn't question it; instead, she continues on wailing. I didn't mind having tears on my pj's but the fact that Crystal is crying, kills me.

She shouldn't feel like this...


I updated after a thousand years☺️ Sorry for the long delay😭😂 *Hands out sweets to everyone😂🍬*

I had no idea what I was supposed to write for this chapter but then infinitylands helped me out😊😊😊 I kinda changed the idea a bit because I didn't really know what I was going to write😂

It's because my brain went on holiday for a while😂😂💚 I also got a new phone whilst my brain was on holiday so there might be a lot of mistakes and that as I'm still getting used to my phone😂😭😂

Two more things;
1) If you have any ideas for my story, please tell me because I really want everyones opinion on it☺️

2) I changed the summary of my story so that it matches Crystal's life and that lol😂🙈☺️

Thats all; byeee❤️❤️

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