•18• Sisters

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When I slipped out of my clothes and removed all my makeup, I took out my phone and started blasting music. It was unusually quiet at the Dumping Ground? Where was everyone, I thought.

I open my bedroom door and walk out and see no one in the corridors. That was really bizarre. Normally there would be everyone screaming and chatting.

I walk down the stairs, curious to find out where everyone was. I slowly creaped down each stair, hoping not to make any noise. I then acted like a ninja and gently tip - toed to the living room. Before I went in, I tried to eavesdrop on what they were saying. It kinda failed as they were mumbling.

Giving up on trying to eavesdrop, I just walk in. Everyone was there but they were all were just gazing down at the floor. Except for Harry, he was playing with Jeff.

I like Harry and Jeff. They're like the only people at the Dumping Ground who are drama free and don't act all crazy. I like talking to Harry as he is so adorable and cute.
Uncomfortable with the silence, I spoke up.

"Why is everyone so depressed?" I joked awkwardly.

Everyone was looking at Carmen to speak up. What did Carmen do now. I raised my eyebrows up.

"If Carmen tells you somethin', promise not to get angry?" Liam asked.

I shook my head before replying,

"I ain't promising nothing! But you might as well tell me now as you can't keep anything a secret in the place!" I chuckled.

"Umm, yanoe Poppy and Rosie? Well they're----" I interrupted Carmen.

"Wait, hold up... Who's Poppy and Rosie?" I quizzed.

"They're Lily's younger sisters," Tee cheesed.

I nodded my head before motioning Carmen to continue with what she is saying.

"Well, before I was rudely interrupted," Carmen glares at me, "Lily has been separated from her sisters as The Perry's didn't want to foster Lily..." She trailed off.

"So why don't they come to the Dumping Ground?" I pursed my lips confused.

"People don't really want to foster two people so they won't get a chance like that ever again. Mike decided that it would be best if they separate the siblings," She sighed with frustration.

I was shaking with anger. I thought it was a rule or something to not split up siblings. Josh was the only family I know of, and having him away from me; broke my heart. God knows how Lily feels.

I started breathing heavily. My breathing was uneven and I was shaking a lot. I tightened my jaw and clenched my fists.

"Crystal, calm down..." Sapphire cooed.

I stared at her with frustration. She doesn't have a sibling so she doesn't know what it's like to be separated from them.

I stormed off and sprinted back to my room. I kept on punching the walls as I walked past. I was furious.

When I walked past Carmen and Lily's room, I could hear sniffling. I thought for a second before going in.

The door slammed open and inside, I saw Lily laying on the bed crying.

I immediately ran to her and put my arms around her.

"Hey, it's going to be alright..." I whispered gently.

She started sobbing more and more until she croaked something.

"H-how do y-you feel not k-knowing when you n-next see Josh?"

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