•16• Keep Smiling!

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Crystal's P.O.V

As soon as we go back to the Dumping ground, I darted to my room and slammed the door. The whole of the Dumping Ground was staring at me; they're going to be gossiping about it sooner or later..

I fell to my knees and then crawled to the dark corner of my bedroom. My eyes felt a slight sting and my lips started to quiver. The first tear threatens to fall and I hug my knees in tight before letting the warm tear slip down my pale face.

My shoulders were trembling as my breathing became uneven to the point where I could hardly breathe. I bow my head down and then try to wipe my teary eyes. I try my best to blink back the tears but then the water works start again. I felt like screaming.

I go on all floors, and then drag my self towards the bed. I then grasp my blue pillow and then hold it towards my face before screaming into the pillow. It came out all muffled but it was better that way as no one could hear. But I was proven wrong when some knocks on my door.

"Crystal? You 'right in there?" Liam chirped.

Obviously it's going to be him! Doesn't he know that I can look after my self? I don't need protection. I just need Josh and right now; I need someone to talk to and Liam is the only one I really trust. But I also trust Frank but he doesn't know what happened and I really don't want to explain it.

I cleared my throat before answering,

"Y-yeh," I choked out.

I had to lie.. I couldn't tell him what I was really feeling as he might think I'm really weak. Also, I've cried on his shoulder once and I ain't crying on his shoulder twice.

"You don't sound it," he said gently.

I sniffled before starting bawling my eyes out again. Liam sounds exactly like Josh. He reminds me so much of Joshua.

His sassiness and the fact I thought Josh would become Liam in the future; that won't be happening now as he won't be seeing him again.. I rather have Josh being like Liam - the annoying but kind boy rather than him being a fuckboy. I started punching my pillow and cursing.

"A'right, I'm coming in," He announced.

Before I could even protest, he barged in. I was furious but I didn't stop punching my pillow. It was the only way I could take my anger out. Liam glides towards me before taking my hands in his.

"It's going to be a'right, I promise!" Liam tried convincing.

I looked at his face before sobbing again.

"Would it really be all right?" I cried.

"Yes, but remember to keep smiling!" He chimed.

I chuckled and then did a small smile.

"Aww, see you smiled! Let's see that smile again!" Liam leaded.

I pursed my lips together and then shook my head.

"Smile now or I'm forced to take drastic actions!" He smirked.

I shook my head again and then he walks out the room. I smiled before laying back on my bed. I turn to my side and see a picture of my little brother. It hasn't even been a day and I've cried enough to last me a lifetime!

Liam shortly returns back to my room with Frank.

"Liam tells me you're being very naughty?" Frank mused.

"Never say that again!" I scowled with disgust.

They both look at each other before catching up to what I was thinking.

"That's disgusting Crystalllll..." Liam puffed.

I chuckled before replying,

"Frank said it, not me!" I insisted.

"I never meant it that way! It's not my fault you're dirty minded!" Frank gasped.

"Shutttt uppp!" I whined and then started chuckling.

"It's a bit funny though! But it's also really disgusting if it's to do with Liam," I joked.

Frank started laughing contagiously but it sounded more like a evil cackle than an expression of amusement. Liam scowls at me before adding,

"Everyone wants to get naughty with meh! After all, it is me!" He brags and then flicks his hair.

"Yeh true, it's Liam; the one who has never had a girlfriend and a kiss! Who doesn't want a beginner" I chuckle.

Liam blushed before trying to think of a good comeback.

"Okay, okay! I surrender but at least I made you smile eh?" He pondered.

"Nope," I smirk while Liam looks at me puzzled, "Your drastic action, also known as Frank, made me smile," I pointed out.

I stuck out my tongue before giggling at my cheekiness.

"I helped thoughhhh," Liam whined.

"Nuh uh!" Frank sang.

I laughed.

"Are you sure?" Liam smirks.

I nod my head, confused. Without warning, he tackles me to my bed. What is it with boys tackling girls?

"Frank! Tickle her!" Liam shrilled.

Frank smirks and then starts tickling me. I squirmed around in Liam's grip, trying to get out of him firm lock.

"S-stop please," I groan.

Frank then stops tickling me before laying on my bed. Liam was on my left while Frank was on my right.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Don't worry 'bout it," Liam mumbles.

"We're best friends, we stick together!" Frank sassed.

I smile before hugging both of them. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on someone...


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but this is just a filler. I have some pretty good ideas for the next chapters :) Btw thanks for 1.11K reads!!! I thought no one read this fanfic so I never expected to get this many reads!
One more thing; Keep Smiling :) And Stay Strong!

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