•33• Not a Family {Part Two}

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Liam's P

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Liam's P.O.V

We zoom out of the living room and into the hall, where we hear Gus playing the piano. Everyday, at precisely this time, he has to play the piano; otherwise today won't work. No one really knows why he acts like that but we just go along with it.

I mean, you don't really want to get on Gus's bad side as he will start a tantrum. Which will most likely lead to Mike grounding up for annoying him. It's not really fair but oh well!

"Gus?" Toby asks which causes Gus to press a wrong key and ruin the relaxing melody.

Let's hope that Gus won't go all crazy and grass us up to Mike or Gina.

"I'm practising," He replied coldly.

Well nah then!

We can obviously see you're practising Gus but we just really want to bother you because we are annoying people; was what I wanted I wanted to say but I went with a more polite response.

I punch his arm in a friendly way,
"We got a business proposal for ya."

Hopefully that will get him on our side.

"It's practise time. I've missed thirteen seconds," Gus says whilst looking at his watch.

I take this chance as the opportunity to grab his music note booklet so that it would make him turn around. I quickly hide it behind my back as soon as he is fully turned around.

Let us just hope that he won't start crying.

"Gus," There was a moments silence whilst Gus glares at us, "How would you like to go to Florida?"

I think everyone would like to go to Florida for free. Well, any normal person would want to but I don't really think Gus is normal.

Gus looks up towards Toby,
"Florida? The sunshine state. Where there's swamps and alligators?"

Is that a positive point for Gus or not? I can't really tell.

Toby grins and does a high pitched noise of confirmation,
"What's not to like?"

"Nothing, I'd like to go," Gus smiles.

We're one step closer to snatching that amazing holiday.

I bend down to Gus's level and then grin,
"Course you would. So fill in this form as if you were Mike!"

"It's a surprise for him," Toby fills Gus in on the fake details.

"So don't tell no one, okay?" I said, in sort of a demanding way.

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