•10• Joshua

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This chapter is going to reveal a bit about Crystal's past but not all of it. I want to reveal bits of her past at a time but you'll know her full past by chapter 20 XD

Frank's P.O.V

It's so awkward when Crystal and Liam are arguing because I'm stuck in the middle. I'm trying to be friends with both Crystal and Liam but it's quite difficult.

Like yesterday; Crystal wanted to go play football with me but then Liam enters the room and asks me to play pool. The conversation ended up being a whole argument while I was just standing there, fidgeting with awkwardness.

I just want my two best friends back but I don't even know what Liam did wrong so I can't fix it. It's going to be Christmas soon so they better be friends again. I don't want Crystal's first christmas at the Dumping Ground to be chaos.


Liam's P.O.V (Day before Christmas)

I don't even know why Crystal is angry at me but what I do know is that I need to fix this before Christmas. I decided to go town to do some last minute christmas shopping. I don't know what I should get Crystal as she ain't the girly type.

I looked around in shops and saw nothing that caught my eye. I was beginning to give up. My present needs to be something unique and special. Something that shows her, I care!

I sat down on a bench and then looked around. There wasn't many people but most of them were happy. I thought about what would make Crystal happy. Maybe if I bought her a necklace? She isn't the girly type though. Oh well, I'm going to buy it.

I entered a jewellery shop and see many necklace. One caught my eye. It was a silver necklace with the name 'Molly' on it. On there was diamonds placed on it. It looked gorgeous. I looked at the price and my eyes widened with shock.

I can't afford this. It would be my life savings! Okay think!

Crystal or money?

Crystal or money?

Crystal or money?

Crystal or mone----

Definitely Crystal!


I called the assistant over.

"Hey, could I buy this necklace but could I have the name 'Crystal' instead of 'Molly' please?" I said kindly.

"Yes, of course. But you do realise the price is £127? Can you afford it?" She replied back sympathetically.

"Yes. And when would the necklace be ready by?" I exclaimed.

"Whenever you want it. But it would cost extra if you want it quite soon." A frown appeared on my face. I only have £130, if she charges more than that... I wouldn't be able to afford it. "But, since it's nearly christmas and I'm feeling quite generous; I'll give you the necklace for £80 and you would get it by the end of this day or early morning of tomorrow!"

I grinned before hugging her.
"Thank you so much!" I shrieked.

"It's no problem! I'm guessing you'll be paying for it tomorrow?" She replied back.

I nodded before saying goodbye. Well, I got enough money to buy more stuff for Crystal now. I have £40 in my wallet right now and £90 at the Dumping ground. Might as well spend the £40.


It wasn't such a good idea spending all my money on presents because right now, I have no lift home. You're probably thinking; Why don't you use your phone to call Mike?
I can't use my phone because it died. So right now, I'm walking home in the dark. It's 4.30pm but you know how in the winter it gets really dark at 4? It's like that.

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