•21• One Week Left {Part 2}

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Liam's P.O.V

It took quite a while to calm down Crystal. I feel sorry for her even though I don't know what Mike said to her. It must be something really upsetting as I've never seen Crystal cry like that. She looked somewhat, guilty and ashamed. But what did she do that bad, that it haunts her mind?

I look down at Crystal to see beads of sweat on her forehead and her breathing quite heavily. She kept on shaking her head, as if she wanted whatever was happening, to stop.

I gently grabbed her hand and then started rubbing my thumb gently against her hand in a circular motion. I remember Crystal saying that, it helps her go back to sleep or get rid off the nightmare; that's what she did to Joshua when he was having a nightmare.

I really miss having Joshua here.. He was like my little brother. I miss Josh and he's not even my brother; so how would Crystal feel... Devastated, angry, upset?

She acts all rebellious but I know for sure, she's just a little girl with a horrible past. Most of us at the Dumping Ground has 'okay' pasts... But with Crystal's past, Mike and Gina won't even talk about it as they think it could get Crystal and Josh in danger. I still don't get what's so bad about her past. Is it because of the gangs or something?
I just realised,
we know nothing about Crystal Rae Adams...

I sighed with frustration. Crystal is a mysterious girl. I wonder if anyone knows her past the way she does. I glanced at my phone to check the time. It was 6.50! Time goes really quickly. I checked my surroundings and realised we were still at McDonalds.

I groaned as I was too lazy to walk home. I was about to get up from my seat, when I realised that Crystal was sleeping on my jumper. I grinned at her cuteness.

But I still had one 'small' problem.

How was I supposed to get home?

I can't carry her all the way to the Dunping Ground. Only solution is - call Mike...


I grabbed my phone and was about to call Mike when a orange hand snatches my phone off me and chucks it at the floor.

I look at my phone in horror. It must have multiply scratches and cracks on it now. As I it wasn't bad enough! My screen is probably ruined now. I glared at the floor before slowly looking up to an orange girl.

She wasn't obviously born orange.. It's just that, she caked her face in foundation and probably spray tanned. She would probably look around the same age as me if she didn't have all the makeup on.

"'Ey yanoe that was my phone?" I snapped furiously.

The orange girl just bit her lip trying to look cute and sorry but it just made her look like a desperate slut.

I gently put Crystal on the seat before running to check if my phone was alright. Luckily, it only had a few scratches. I glared at the girl before returning back to Crystal.

I was about to call Mike again, but this time; the orange girl grabs my phone. (The orange girl is shown above of how I imagine her :D)

"My phone please," I hissed and placed my hand in the air, waiting for her to hand my phone back.

She ignores my comment and says something else.

"So, you're her next victim?" She smirked.

"Sorry, her next what?" I questioned.

"Victim... V - I - C - T - U - M!" She playfully giggled at the end.

I groaned annoyed. Does she not know how to spell? I wasn't going to comment on her spelling as I was more curious about the victim thing.

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