•6• Deep, Deep, Deep Trouble..

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Crystal's P.O.V

I was drained out from sobbing on Liam's shoulder. I'm quite glad he was there because I could be at the hospital right now clinging on to my last breath - sounds like I'm overreacting but I'm really not.

I really need to stop acting like a rebel because the truth is that I'm a very sensitive girl who has just had a horrible past. I need to apologise to Carmen - the pink girl who went to unicorn land and Sapphire. They are probably going to think its a joke but because of what just happened, I feel I should make the effort to be more nice.

I was then interrupted from my thoughts by a brown haired boy - Liam O'Donovan. I literally forgot that I was crying on his shoulder; oops!

"What are you thinking 'bout," He said in a soft voice.

It was as if he was scared that he would hurt me by just talking loud.

"I feel that I should apologise to Carmen and Sapphire for my fight," I replied back in a low, quiet voice.

Liam just mumbled 'yeh'. I almost forgot that we were in the middle of the road at God knows what time. I think Liam knew what I was thinking at he gestured me to stand up. I was really tired and I'm pretty sure Liam noticed as he picked me up. I was to exhausted to argue back so I just let him. My eyes started feeling droopy but I tried my best to stay awake.

"Go to sleep Crystal." Liam whispered.

I just merely nodded and then lay my head on Liam's shoulder. He was quite soft, almost like a pillow. I was shivering as it was freezing and Liam - the kind gentlemen - slowly took off his coat and then put it around me. I then closed my eyes, hopefully for the last time for this night, and tried drifting to sleep.



I woke up this morning feeling all disgusting and icky. I look down and I notice why. I was still in last nights clothes and I'm pretty sure there's some blood on ma t-shirt as well. Oh the joy of being me! I tried remembering who bought me up to bed. I'm pretty sure it was Liam but if it wasn't; then I'm in big trouble. Hopefully Mike or Gina weren't awake otherwise, I'm legit dead.

I start getting changed but before I do, I realise I have a huge bruise right in the middle of my stomach. I guess I won't be wearing crop tops then.. I sighed and then throw out half my cupboard trying to pick out the perfect outfit. Each outfit was too effort-y and I really couldn't be bothered right now. I put on a red jumper which has the picture of Finding Nemo. It's my favourite movie - I'm a big softie even though I act rebel!

I sniff the air to smell... bacon? I'm literally drooling at the thought of bacon. I try to put my leggings on quickly but I put it on the wrong way round. Oh well, it's not like anyone would notice. I skip all the way down with joy as Gina - I'm guessing - made bacon!! Before I even reach the kitchen, Mike screams my name.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh," I groaned.

What the hell have I done now? Wait. Yesterday. Sneaking out. Would Liam snitch on me??

If he does, I swear I will bloody kill that idiot. I walk slowly to the office knowing that is where he is probably going to be. Before I go in, I try to listen in to their conversation but that failed miserably as Gina opens the door.

She glares at me and then I see Liam sitting on the sofa. He probably snitched - greattttt! Liam gives me a apologetic smile but I'm not falling for that shit. He probably snitched on purpose so I could get in trouble, that bastard.

I cried on his shoulder, he must think I'm really weak now. I slowly walk inside and then Mike gestures me to sit down next to Liam. I scowl in disgust. Why would I want to sit next to the guy who fricking snitched on me and is going to get me grounded for life?

I sighed at sat down next to him as I didn't want to get into any more trouble and I was also a bit creeped out from both, Mike and Gina's glares. I slouch down on the sofa and get comfortable for my long lecture.


Skips the whole Lecture...

That lecture wasn't actually that bad. Liam actually tried covering for me.

Apparently he didn't even snitch on me. Liam tried to take the whole blame for it but there was no way I was allowing that. So now, Liam and I are grounded for a month and we have to do everyone's chores and give in our technology; not to mention the fact that its going on our files and now everyone think Liam and me have a 'thing' going on. I'm just cringing.

Liam told Mike and Gina that he was trying to get into a club and that I was trying to stop him. It was a pathetic excuse because all of us knew that it would be the opposite way round; me wanting to get into a club and Liam trying to stop me.

After a while, Liam just said that both of us were going out to meet some friends and then we bumped into each other on the way home. And apparently I begged Liam to carry me home. Pffftttt, as if... It was the other way around. I'm pretty sure he was the one picking me up and then telling me go to sleep.

I'm not pissed off at him as I'm glad that he didn't say anything about what I was really doing. Oh yeh, I forgot to mention how Gina and Mike found out about me sneaking out.

Third Person P.O.V

Liam was carrying Crystal, the sleeping beauty, back to the Dumping Ground. When they had arrived, Liam noticed that both, Liam's and Crystal's windows were closed when they had been wide open before they had left.

Liam knew that Mike and Gina were awake now so there was no point trying to make up an excuse. Liam sighed and then made his way to the front entrance carrying Crystal. He rings the bell and then almost immediately, Mike opens the door with Gina behind him, giving him a cold stare.

Mike motions him to come inside and then Liam gently places Crystal on the sofa. Mike tells Liam to put Crystal in bed and they would talk about it tomorrow.



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