•22• Mysterious Person...

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Unknown P.O.V

I'm currently lying on my bed fidgeting around, when I hear my phone vibrate. I look around to see my phone on the table which is a few metres away from me.

At first I think its nothing but then it vibrates again. I mentally groan as I'm too lazy to get out of my bed.

I try to think of different ways to get my phone.

Idea One - Get some long type of stick to try lure it in.

Idea Two - Use my magical powers to try get it.

Idea Three - Walk over to get it.

So I realised idea three is totally out of the question! So I decided to do my first idea.

I looked around on my bed to find nothing but a few magazines. There was no long object within my reach unfortunately.

I tried doing idea two but it just causes me to sound constipated. It also gave me a huge headache which made me feel very light headed.

I mentally slap myself, and then made a note in my head to try practise improving my magical powers. By the age of 1739, I will be a powerful wizard! I will become a mortal as soon as I drink the water of La-La-La-Ladi! I will become so powerful that no one would be able to stop me, not even the crazy Boss!

I start to realise that my phone hadn't stop vibrating which meant someone was calling me. I sigh with frustration as today was supposed to be my free day. I slowly place my feet and then start walking towards my table.

I checked to see if there was a name for that number, but it just said, 'Unidentified Caller'.

I swoop my hand underneath my phone and pick it up to answer the call. Almost immediately, I hear someone shouting.

Probably the boss, I thought.

I put it on speaker because I didn't want to go deaf when I bring my phone towards my ear. I place my phone back on the table before talking.

"Hello?" I anxiously asked.

There was a long pause but I could hear some muttering in the background. I could also hear some sort of scraping noises - maybe a chair being dragged along the floor.
"Have you found Mollie yet?" The person barked, aggressively.

I could tell it was the Boss now for sure. When you talk to him politely, he would normally just snap at you. I don't think he understands how to be kind but then again, you need to be cruel if you wanna be the Boss.

You're probably thinking; the Boss for what?

I would tell you, but I ain't going to risk my life for that. I have much important things I want to do.

"No, not yet but---" I was cut of by the Boss.

Another thing the Boss tends to do is interrupt you. He doesn't really like them long conversations so he will do his best to make them shorter; even if it means killing you.. 

"I said, have you found Mollie?" He said calmly but you could hear the venom in his voice.

I stuttered at started fidgeting with with the rim of my jumper. The Boss is a powerful man so I know without doubt, he could get me killed if I said one wrong word.

"N-no but---" I was interrupted yet again.

"No buts, your job was to find Mollie; I guess Riley will just have to find her now," He snapped but I could tell he was smirking.

One thing the Boss loved was competition. He knows that Riley and I hate each other but he does this. However, Riley and I were one step ahead of him this time..

"Well that's what I was going to say. Riley thinks Crystal knows how to find Mollie," it was my turn to smirk now.

I finally feel like I have done something correct.

"Don't try act smart with me unless you want to get yourself killed! Find Mollie, and bring her to me!"

That was the last thing I heard and then he ended the call. I really do hope Crystal knows how to find Mollie, because if she doesn't; than you can consider me dead....

Updateddddddd :) I wanna know you guys opinion on a few things..

1) Is this story going too fast or too slow? Because I personally thinks it's going too fast but idk.

2) Do you guys want some love between Crystal and Liam or not? I wasn't planning on doing that as Crystal has a lot going on rn but idk lol.

3) Who's unknown person and who's the boss????? And how is Riley involved :0

4) I need help to think of a ship name for Crystal and Liam lol. My best one is Liastal -.-

That's all! Until the next update, byeee :)

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