•5• The Sharks

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Crystal's P.O.V

I walk downstairs and hear people talking in the Office. Who would be in the office at this time? I listened closely and could hear Mike mumbling.

"You can't tell anyone about this okay?"

"Mhhm." Someone mumbles back.

I try to hear more but then I hear kissing noises? Who could it be? Tracy? Gina? Wait, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to make out in a care home - ideaaa.

I barge into the room. But what I saw shocked me so much that it would give me nightmares forever. It was...


I woke up panting, out of breath. It was only a dream, I kept repeating in my head. It won't actually happen, I thought.

I'm guessing you want to know who was kissing Mike? It was Sapphire. As much as I want Sapphire to get in trouble - as she called me a rude and thought I was weird - it just too disgusting to think about.

Oh no... What if my job from Chris is to go around kissing guys for money. I'm just cringing at the thought. I will definitely not do that, even if he gives me a fortune; No means NO!

I suddenly then remember that I have to meet up with Chris and Holly. I glanced at the time and saw it was just gone past 11.50.

I leap out of bed and then rummage through my cupboard. I put on my t-shirt and jeans before putting on my leather jacket. I looked so rebellious. I then looked around for my shoes. I glance under my bed to see black heels. Why did I choose to buy them? I should have bought trainers. And crap, I have to climb out my windows and my heals will not be helping me for certain.

I quickly slip on my heels before opening the window. I look to the side to see if there was some sort of pipe that I could climb down. Luckily there was. I smiled to myself before slowly going down. I made sure I didn't close my window as that was the only way I was getting back in and then tried (KEYWORD TRIED) to leg it.

Unfortunately as I was wearing heals it made a loud clicking noise against the floor. I looked back continuously to make sure I wasn't being followed. As soon as I was on a main road, I grabbed my phone and called Holly. It took 4 rings for her to answer.

Holly- Hello?

Me- Heyy, where are we meeting up at?

Holly- Umm.. hold on a sec, lemme ask Chris.

I nod but then I realise she can't see me so I say a quick 'yeh'.

Holly- He said the skatepark near your care home

Me- Okay see ya there

Holly- Yeh byee.


So, it took a while to get to the skate park as I'm not quite familiar with the area. I just moved here a few days ago so don't judge me twats. When I finally got there, I found both of them smoking weed. I guess they never change. I don't really like weed. I prefer alcohol. They smile once they notice me and I grin back.

"So, what's the job eh?" I ask sounding quite interested - probably because I am.

Chris takes the weed thing out of his mood before replying, "You're just going to go have some business with the leader of The Sharks. I think that's the name of the gang," he laughs.

My mouth is wide open. I was disgusted, I would never do that.

"Why me? Why not Holly?" Call me a bad friend but Holly doesn't mind doing these things whereas I do.

Now I understand why he was willing to pay money. He knows I would never sleep or do anything wrong with a guy so he would pay money. (BTW THE SHARKS IS ENEMIES WITH THE GANG CRYSTAL IS IN. AND THE SHARKS SAID THEY WON'T ATTACK OR ANYTHING IF CRYSTAL'S GANG DO WHATEVER THE SHARKS WANT.)

"Holly already had, but this time he is asking for you." He smirks.

This is some sick joke. I gulped with fear. I knew if I didn't do it then I would probably be beaten up. The only thing I could do is....


I was wheezing. I couldn't breathe at all. And if you couldn't guess, the only thing I could do was run. I glance behind to see both Chris and Holly following me. Well this friendship with Holly is definitely over I thought.

I couldn't slow down now. Just my luck, I run into a dead end. I turn around to see both Chris and Holly staring coldly at me. This is not going to end well.

Holly tackles me to floor. My head started spinning. I could faintly see Chris getting a bat? Where the hell did that come from?!

He starts whacking me in the stomach. I need to get up now if I want to live. I use all my strength to push Holly away and then kick Chris in the stomach. Luckily I get away but then Holly drags me back down on the floor. Now they're pissed.

Chris slowly reaches into his left trouser pocket and takes out a gun. This is not surprising at all. I get ready to hear a blast and close my eyes. Instead I see a mysterious figure on top of Chris. Who the hell is that, but that doesn't matter because he might have just saved my shitty life.

Chris was completely of guard, and stood no chance and the mysterious guy piled on blow after blow. He kicked and pounded for ages, each blow was as strong as the last. After a while he stopped.

"You bloody touch her again, and I'll make sure you regret it," he said with ferocity.

Hang on, I recognise that voice? It's Liam! Boy! He knew how to fight. Chris just lay on the floor, bleeding but I saw a faint nod when Liam threatened to hit him again. Liam nodded back, satisfied. He spat at him with one final glance, and looked up at me.

I must have looked a sight. I was laying on the floor, my face was tear stained with the expression of horror, pain and shock. I thought he was going to laugh at me but instead he hugged me while I was sobbing on his - now - damp shoulder.



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