•28• The Kiss

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Toby's P.O.V

I continued talking, more like distracting, Terrie from the chaos going on right now. Liam was talking to Gina on the floor whilst Frank was blasting music from Sapphire's room. The plan was mostly simple. After the first part of the plan goes well, the rest will be easy!

I led Terrie to the kitchen where we met Johnny who was mopping the floors. I walked over to the dinner table and motioned Terrie to sit down whilst I did the same.

"Soo, Elm Tree House? This place used to be a care home didn't it?" She asked suspicious.

How did she even know this place is a care home. Most people don't even know there are care homes in this area.

I grinned nervously,
"Oh, years ago, but our family live here now," I smiled whilst nodding my head.

She gets out her laptop from her bag and lays it on the table. She is really lucky to have her own laptop. I have to share with fourteen other people which is really annoying. She starts asking questions.

"So, Mike's your dad.. And Gina's yourrr..?" She trails of at the end and I answer for her.

"Step mum."

"Step mum, right," she replies and turns on her laptop.

I glance behind when I hear footsteps. Hopefully it is not Mike or Gina because it would be really awkward and weird, to be honest.

"Floors wet," Johnny said but I also heard him whisper harshly, "You're supposed to be on lookout!"

I turn around fully and Terrie does the same. How many siblings can I actually have? I can't say all 12 care kids are my actual siblings.

"That's my half brother, Frank," I cheesed and whilst Terrie was distracted, I motioned him to go back to look out by pointing towards the door.

"And you've met my other brother, Liam," I spoke confidently as Liam walked towards to Terrie to shake her hand.

"Hello Liam."

"Shows us the tickets then," Liam says innocently whilst rubbing his hands together.

I guess Liam was excited for this holiday.

"So uhm, how many are in your family?" Terrie asks curiously.

"Fourteen," I replied back instantly.

"Fourteen? Wow, that is a big family," She says whilst tapping on the keyboard of her laptop.

"Is it too big?" I asked nervously.

"No, it's absolutely perfect," She grinned.

We all nod our heads and reverted out eyes towards the laptop.

We were all looking at the laptop, curious to know what was going on; when we heard someone singing quietly but it was loud enough to be heard.

Liam's P.O.V

Toby and I turned around when we heard someone singing. I glances behind and saw Crystal looking inside the fridge whilst bopping her head side to side. She was probably listening to music. She was wearing hipster jeans, with a black and grey sweatshirt and matching black converses.

Terrie also turns around to face Crystal. I gulp knowing that we'll get caught for this as me and Crystal are about the same age and definitely do not look like twins.

"So who's this?" Terrie asks interested yet amused for our answer.

Crystal stops bopping her head side to side as she probably heard Terrie's comment. We had to think of an excuse fast so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

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