•12• New Home

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Heyyy :p Written up another long chapter. Btw, everyone go follow Roxiebabe24 :) Her fanfics are amazing <3 So go follow her and read her stories!!


Crystal's P.O.V

This is totally not fair! How could Mike and Gina do this?


Apparently, Mike and Gina think it's perfectly fine to separate siblings now. Where would Josh even go.

"Crystal, it's for your own safety.." Gina says, calmly.

"How is this for my own safety? I need my little brother! What don't you fucking understand?!" I barked. 

"Language Crystal." Liam teased.

I scowled at him but then realised my younger brother was here. I better stop swearing.

"I don't give a hot wet monkey's bum what you care for! It's my life and it ain't yours! I can look after him; I CAN PROTECT HIM!" I snapped.

"Crystal.. y'know it's for your's and your brothers safety and we can't let you look after him.. It's too dangerous especially with your past!" Mike exclaimed.

How dare he bring up my past! But in a way, it is true. It would be for our own safety..

" 'old on. What's so bad 'bout Crystal's past that makes you wanna separate her from Josh," Liam laughed.

He probably thinks my past ain't that bad. If only he knew...

Liam was waiting for one of us to reply. I wouldn't dare to tell anyone about it. I doubt even Joshua knows it as he was only a few months old. He is probably confused. If only Josh knew what happened to us when he was a baby. 

"Liam, could you please go to the living room with Josh so I can talk to Crystal in private?" Mike pleaded.

Liam looked at me.

"Liam, just go! I'll be fine," I insisted.

He nodded his head and exited the room with Josh. Poor Josh! He probably doesn't even know what's going on.

Gina cleared her throat before speaking.

"Mike and I have discussed the situation and have agreed to place Josh into care..." A smile appeared on my face.

Please be Elmtree House.

Of course, luck was not on my side!

"But because of your past; we've decided to move Josh well away from here.." Mike announced sympathetically.

I'm not one to cry but this really upset me. This was the first time I have seen him in eight years and he's leaving!

I ran out of the room. I couldn't take it anymore.. I could hear faintly, Mike and Gina calling my name.

Josh was is in front of me crying. He looked so much like him...


"Crystal, it will be all right.. Mum and Dad will find us. I promise..." The six year old boy said. His face was tear stained. His hands were muddy from trying to escape from this place.

"What if they don't? What if they never find us and we get killed. And what about him?" I croaked and pointed to the 9 month old baby.

"They will find us; it's Mum and Dad, the two people who love us a lot and would do anything to protect us. And I won't let them kill you or Joshua. I promise." He kissed my forehead before hugging me.

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