•19• Don't Lie To Me

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Hi guys! I haven't updated in a while! - more than 4 days is long for me!! And I'm rlly sorry but it was bc of school and tests :( I won't be updating regularly but I am honestly trying my best to! Anyways, on positive note - I HAVE FREAKING 1.77K READS? WTF LOL!! This is sooo shocking. Btw can I get 2K reads by the end of January? Without further ado, here is the chapter! Enjoyyyy!


Crystal's P.O.V

Liam's idea of getting away from the chaos in the Dumping Ground was going to town. I didn't mind going to town but I was just honestly a little tired from my date with Harvey. It's already 7 O'clock and we're at town. Crazy - I know. It's really dark as well so that just makes it extra creepy.

"So Crystal, what do you wanna?" Liam asked.

I thought for a while until I came up with an awesome idea.

"Wanna go skateboarding?" I grinned.

He stuttered,
"I-I don't k-know how t-to skateboard and I don't have a-a skateboard," he replied before bowing his head down, ashamed.

I chuckled,
"I'll teach you how to skateboard tomorrow then!" I smirked.

"But I don't have a skateboard?" He questioned curiously.

I grinned, mischievously before tapping my nose,

"All will be clear tomorrow."

Liam nods before asking what I want to do, again.

"I'm starving, but we have no moneyyyy," I whined like a child.

"Who's says we need money?"

"We ain't going to steal!" I screeched.

I normally do steal but I don't want Liam getting in trouble. I'm used to being in police stations and that but I'm not really sure about Liam.

"We ain't stealing, just watch.." He sighed.

I nodded my head before following him. He walks over to a bin near McDonald's and then takes out a half eaten burger and fries. I scrunch my face up in disgust,

"I ain't that hungry, just allow this," I chuckled awkwardly.

He shushes me before walking away. I watch him carefully and I could see him 'eyeing' up a man, whom seems to be quite rich. He briskly walks over and he 'bumps' into the man.

"Ohh myyy gooddd! My food! This costed me a lot yanoe?" Liam sulks while staring down at his food.

The man looks at Liam and then immediately apologises.

"I'm soo s-sorry!" He says quickly.

He quickly reaches for his purse and took out a twenty pound note. I was shocked.

"Here, keep the change," The man said before walking off rapidly.

Liam smirks and then picks up the cash.

"And that is how it's done!" He laughs while wiping off imaginary dust of his shoulder.

I shake my head at him before laughing,
"What you waiting for? Let's eeeeattttt!"

Liam chuckles and drags me to McDonald's. I must be really special having McDonald's twice today.

Liam doesn't even bother asking for my order as he already knew what I wanted. I looked around to find any spare seats. It was quite easy as there was hardly any one there but I really wanted the best seats.

I saw a little corner with two seats and I immediately heading towards the seats. Before I could even sit down, a girl shoves me out of the way.

I look up and see someone I absolutely detest. Someone who is my worst enemy. Her name is Riley. Let me just explain quickly why I hate her.

Riley and I used to be best friends in year 8; I'm in year 10 now. We could tell each other everything, but that was a huge mistake. I told Riley about my boyfriend and her being the slut she is; she goes and tries to have sex with him. She then spread rumours around the school about my having a STD.

I eventually put a stop to it but it wasn't really nice. I punched Riley in the face and then skived school for a week.

No one found out until Riley snitched on me. I completely hate her now!

"Move!" I snapped.

She smirked before saying, 'Nuh Uh'.

Everything she says annoys me. She has completely changed. She used to be a loner but now she is one of the populars. She uses to have brunette hair but now she has blonde hair. She wears a lot of heavy makeup and looks like a barbie doll.

"Hey Barbie, would you mind moving please?" I asked innocently.
She scowled and me before shrugging her shoulders which pissed me off even more. I glared at her before finding another seat which was on the other side of where Riley was sitting.

Liam must have noticed my fowl mood as he questioned it as soon as he sat down. I explained the whole story about Riley but I did not mention my boyfriend thing.

"--- that is why I absolutely hate Riley!" I finished.

He just bursted out laughing while I was sitting down, looking like an idiot.

After his laughing went down, he continued giggling until he said,
"D-don't l-lie t-to me!"

I raised my eyebrows and he erupted into another series of laughter. I groaned but was cut of when I heard my ring tone.

How deep is your love?
Is it like the ocean?
What devotion? Are you?
How deep is your love?
Is it like nirvana?
Hit me harder, again
How deep is your love?
How deep is your love?
How deep is your love?
Is it like the ocean?
Pull me closer, again
How deep is your love?
How deep is your love?

Liam starts chuckling at my ringtone before started dancing to it. (What does it remind you of? @Magic9999)

I swipe my phone, before looking at the name of the person who is calling me. It was Mike.. Boy, we were in a lot of trouble!

Everyone go follow and read Liam's sister which is also a tracy beaker fanfic and it is by Nocturnalfangirl. - It won't let me tag u for some reason :(
And thank you Magic9999
And Cherryyy_x - for the idea of 'Dont lie to me!'
Btw its beh short and I'm so sorry! Didnt get a lot of time..

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