•25• Heavy Bums

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Liam and I trudge our way to the kitchen. My legs felt like jelly as they were really numb. I kept on swinging my arms to try distract my self from the world around me.

I was walking slightly behind Liam, as I really couldn't be bothered to eat; but I know for definite that Liam does want to eat.

I heard some snickering behind me. I turn around to see Sapphire and Harry laughing at Liam and I.

I raise my eyebrows and they point down at our pj's.

I kind of realise now why they were laughing. Liam and I thought it would be cute if we bought those couple onesies but we never thought people would actually take it that way.

Liam's onesie was of the original Stitch whilst mine was of a pink Stitch. (Picture above)

"Liam. Come upstairs with me quickly, I need to talk to you," Frank cheesed.

This caused Liam to stop walking and made me collide towards him. I groaned into his shirt but it probably made me sound even weirder than I already do.

Liam laughs it off before nodding and then walks off leaving me to deal with the animal like kids also known as Carmen and Lily. I ignore everyones stares and head to the table.

It was Carmen's and my day to set the table and do the chores. Carmen places the food on the table and I normally place the cutlery and plates.

I was about to grab the cutlery when Mike stops me by gently grabbing my arm and shaking his head. I was beyond confused. Surely the table hasn't been set already?

I glance towards the table and saw it was still empty which meant I had to set it up.

I looked at Mike and then resumed what I was doing.

"Just sit at the table, Crystal. I'll get one of the others to do it," He politely smiled and hugged me, probably knowing that I was upset.

I plaster a small smile and then sit at the table. I heard Mike call for Sapphire to come help at the table.

"But Mike, it's Crystal's day to do the chores, not mine!" Sapphire argued from the living room.

Mike was about to remark back but then Gina screamed,

I don't think I will ever get used to the amount of noise this place makes.

I could feel the ground shaking which probably meant everyone was hungry and rushing to the dinner table. I look at the table and realised that no one set the cutlery yet.

Toby and Frank come in first and were about to sit down when they realised there was nothing on the table. They looked at me confused and I shrugged.

Mike then comes out of the laundry room and places a dish of chips in both their hands. They did not look happy...

"But it's not even our day," Toby murmered confused.

They start setting it up but I know for definite, Sapphire would kick up a fuss.

Lily, Tee and Carmen came in and unlike Toby and Frank, Lily and Tee actually wanted to help but Carmen was kind of pissed.

"Why can't Crystal do it? She isn't any special than any of us?" Carmen snapped with frustration.

I bow my head down and bit my lip, trying not to say a rude remark.

Mike and Gina started explaining how I was in an uncontrollable emotional state but Carmen wasn't having any of it.

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